Wednesday, December 31, 2008

More Good, More Bad

Yesterday was the kind of day that drives me crazy.

Got up in the morning and worked out at the gym here. Had three good meals throughout the day. But then ruined it with one bad meal.

That, and dipping into my wife's snacks from time to time...My occasional lapses in discipline the last couple of weeks have been driving me nuts.

I had a friend text me yesterday and tell me to stop obsessing about such lapses. And maybe I should.

But I can see what's happening here. I can sense the same type of attitude that I've had in past failed attempts.

It's the, "I've lost this much. I can do this anytime I want" mentality, something that's plagued me for the past 20-plus years.

I suppose it's symptomatic of the whole issue here. For all the success I've had - and 112 pounds in a year is great success - it's hard not to view the stumbles as failure. I don't struggle with it as often as I have in the past, but it still occasionally gets a grip on me.

And right now I'm in a place and time where it's grip is strong.

All I can do is look at today as being another day. Another opportunity.

After my show I'll hit the gym again, and later take a long walk on the beach.

Maybe the salty air will clear my head.

Monday, December 29, 2008

On The Road Again

Hello from Jacksonville, home of Thursday's Gator Bowl between Clemson and Nebraska.

Left the house this morning and took the scenic route all the way down, staying completely away from the Interstate. Took an extra couple of hours, but it was worth it. A nice, quiet, peaceful drive.

I used the time to try and work on my frame of mind. Christmas day was not a good one for me, food wise. Party at my sister-in-law's house and I couldn't resist splurging - especially where the fudge and Rice Krispie Treats were concerned.

I've also had a couple of bad meals along the way this week, which makes me thankful I won't be around to weigh in Wednesday.

The good news is I've pulled it together here in the last couple of days, and here at the hotel there's a gym where I can get in a couple of good workouts before we leave. Basically doing the same type of exercises I do with Vernon back home.

Plus, staying at the beach again, I'll be taking a nice stroll or two ocean-side.

Just gotta keep the diet running the way it's supposed to.

Seems this holiday season is much more difficult for me than last year, which is odd. I was just starting a year ago.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm learning anything at all.

Then I remember yeah - I've lost 112 pounds. I've been doing something right.

Gotta keep that in mind.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

10 Up, 10 Down

Vernon got what he wanted.

I walked out of the Coop's Gym locker room this afternoon at 1:01 p.m., ready for my workout. I paused a bit to meet Billie, one of my listeners and a recent Ultra Fit convert. Got a big hug, which was nice.

Then it was three sets of leg-lifts to warm up. And then...

Ten up, 10 down. A 25-pound weight in each hand.

I was on my way to something else at 1:11 p.m.

And yes, it was hard. But by comparison, I did 10 trips today in about the same amount of time I did seven the previous time. So the progress is continuing to show.

I told Vernon afterwards that way back at the beginning, when we did three trips for the first time, that I'd have bet his salary that I'd never make it to 10 (notice I said his salary. I'm too smart to bet mine).

But I did it, none the worse for wear.

Now...on to the Christmas festivities.

Year Two Begins

Hello. And welcome to Year Two.

Today is the first weigh-in day of my second year, and after last week's stumble I'm happy to say I'm back on the straight and narrow. I'm down three pounds from last week, which makes up for the two I had gained.

So now I'm officially at 367 - having lost 112 pounds. A total of 55 of those pounds have come off since I joined Ultra Fit.

Also, today is my final workout with Vernon for the year. I'll be traveling next week for Clemson's appearance in the Gator Bowl, and will work out on my own in the hotel gym on Jacksonville Beach.

But today is the day Vernon has been waiting on. From the first day he sent me up the stairs, he's been telling me I'll be doing it 10 times by Christmas.

Well, tomorrow is Christmas. So guess how many times he's sending up and down today?

Maybe I'll be recovered in time to open presents later this evening (we're a Christmas Eve family).

Anyway, beginning a brand new stat sheet for you...

Merry Christmas to all of you. Have a blessed, peaceful holiday.

The Scorecard:

Week 1 - Lost 3

Monday, December 22, 2008

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

I know it's been a while since I've updated, but like many of you I've been doing the Christmas shopping thing.

Thankfully, it appears we're done.

I've also been working hard to get back into the swing of things on the diet, and so far so good. Checked the scales this morning for a post-weekend look-in and I was down a couple of pounds.

So, if form holds, I'll start Year Two on a positive step and - hopefully - start another long streak of consecutive weeks with a loss. Can't think too far down the road, though. Gotta keep reminding myself it's one meal at a time, one day at a time.

Easier said that done, sometimes. But I've gotten through a full year trying to operate that way. And while there have been stumbles, the entire body of work has been successful.

So far.

A year. It's still hard to fathom that I've made it this far.

And while I don't plan to get all weepy or sentimental, it's still somewhat emotional looking back over the previous 52 weeks.

When I started, my biggest fear was failure. And it still is. But now I've got a year's worth of experience to fall back on, and a plan I'm following - Ultra Fit - that has made me feel better than I have in years.

I think back to the small victories, such as walking pain-free around Six Flags, Kings Island and Cedar Point.

I reflect on the stumbles, and how mentally challenging each of them were.

I think of Anthony...Every single day.

It's been a whirlwind 52 weeks. And I know I'm not even halfway there yet.

But if I've learned anything to this point, it's simply that I have the power. The control. I'm the one who decides if I succeed. I'm the one who decides if I fail.

It remains a constant battle. Day after day after day.

The support I get from those of you who take time to post responses or drop emails is invaluable. Please, please keep them coming.

And hang on.

Year Two promises to be crazier than Year One.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

One Year Later...

Well, it finally happened.

After 14 straight weeks of losing weight since joining the Ultra Fit program, I had a slight stumble. In the eight days since I last weighed, I've put on two pounds.

Not the way I wanted to close the first full year of my weight loss effort. But there's nothing I can do to change it. I had a bad week. I let my comittment slip. And I paid the price.

All I can do now is pick myself up and keep moving forward.

I'll have more on the psychology of the whole thing later on. But for now, I've officially reached the end of year No. 1. And as of today, I'm 109 pounds lighter than I was way back last December.

So in the grand scheme of things, obviously I'm ecstatic with the year. I wish I had started Ultra Fit sooner, but trust me.

I plan on making up time in year two.

So here it is. The complete Year One Scoreboard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2
Week 35 - Lost 5
Week 36 - GAINED 4
Week 37 - Lost 3
Week 38 - No Weigh-In. New Program
Week 39 - Lost 10
Week 40 - Lost 7
Week 41 - Lost 2
Week 42 - Lost 6
Week 43 - Lost 3
Week 44 - Lost 4
Week 45 - Lost 2
Week 46 - Lost 4
Week 47 - Lost 2
Week 48 - Lost 3
Week 49 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling (Thanksgiving)
Week 50 - Lost 4 (Covers week 49 as well)
Week 51 - Lost 3
Week 52 - GAINED 2
One Year Total - Lost 109

Monday, December 15, 2008

Unhappy Anniversary?

As I approach weigh-in No. 52, signifying one full year on my weight loss journey, I've not had a good week.

Been a number of reasons for it. I've had a hard time finding certain elements of my diet that I have to have, mostly the specific kind of bread I eat. Three different stores where I buy my supplies were out (and still are).

I've been in a number of situations where I had to eat what was available this week, rather than what I should be eating.

And to be honest, a couple of times my discipline hasn't been good. So it's not just circumstances. I'm to blame as well.

On top of it all, I'm feeling awful today, too bad to go workout. Plus it's cold and rainy. Just a blah kind of day.

But I'm trying to take a positive outlook on it all.

Regardless of what the scale reads on Wednesday it has been a successful year. To have lost 111 pounds (to date) is more than I could have dreamed of when I began this process last December.

So, I regroup and refocus. I rely on Vernon and John to help get me through the dark moods that still pop up from time to time. And we keep plugging away.

In Dec. 2007 I set out with a new determination, stronger than ever before. But with plenty of unknown lying ahead.

Now, a full year later, I've got a track record to draw on and a pretty good idea of what I'm capable of doing.

I just have to strap on the blinders and limit the distractions.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Early Weigh-In

Just found out I'm not going to be able to get to Clemson in the morning to weigh in, so we'll go with what I saw this morning when I took a sneak peek.

It showed I was down another three pounds. That's 111 overall, 54 in the 14-plus weeks I've been on Ultra Fit. My operating weight is 368 pounds.

Percentage-wise, I was very close to being able to roll the total number over to four this morning, and that might have been the case tomorrow. Still, I'm very happy with the three pounds and anything I might have picked up - or dropped - by the morning will just roll over to next week.

Speaking of next week, that weigh-in will be a cause for celebration. Not so much based on what I may lose between now and then. But because of the significance of the date.

Today was weigh-in No. 51. So next week will complete one full year of weekly trips to the scales.

That means I started my path back to health one year ago this week.

Time flies, doesn't it? When I began the journey, I did so with a dogged determination to finally get it right. But there were no guarantees. To have made it to a year...who really would have guessed?

More on that next week when it becomes official. For now, here's how the first 51 weeks have stacked up.

The Scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2
Week 35 - Lost 5
Week 36 - GAINED 4
Week 37 - Lost 3
Week 38 - No Weigh-In. New Program
Week 39 - Lost 10
Week 40 - Lost 7
Week 41 - Lost 2
Week 42 - Lost 6
Week 43 - Lost 3
Week 44 - Lost 4
Week 45 - Lost 2
Week 46 - Lost 4
Week 47 - Lost 2
Week 48 - Lost 3
Week 49 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling (Thanksgiving)
Week 50 - Lost 4 (Covers week 49 as well)
Week 51 - Lost 3

Up And Down


That's what Vernon had in store for me.

The second exercise yesterday was up and down the steps carrying the 50 pounds in weights. This time it was seven trips, the most so far.

Vernon says I'll be doing it 10 times by Christmas. We shall see.

But I made it through the seven trips without too much distress. But it really takes it out of you. Holding those 25-pound weights down by your side while you go up and down the stairs really is a full-body workout.

So, we press forward. Weigh-in day is tomorrow. Hoping for a really good week.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Long Weekend

In broadcasting circles, I had a long weekend.

Six games in four days, including three state championship football games on Saturday at Death Valley. In a row. Outside on the photo deck. In sub-45 degree temperatures.

Made for a natural refrigerator for the food I had to take with me.

Did pretty well, all things considered. There are always temptations around in the press box, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't nibble around here or there.

I'm a lot of things. Perfect ain't one of them.

My spirits have been boosted lately by the number of people who have seen me for the first time in a while and noticed the weight loss. It's amazing how a little thing like that has such a huge effect on the ol' psyche.

Meanwhile, back to the regular grind on Monday.

Wonder what Vernon has in store for me this week?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Back On The Scales

Weighed in today for the first time in two weeks.

Officially anyway. I got on the scales yesterday, as I reported. And today's look was exactly the same. I'm down four pounds since my weigh-in two weeks ago.

That's an operating weight of 371, and 108 pounds lost. I've dropped 51 of those pounds in 13 weeks on Ultra Fit.

I suppose I'm more relieved than anything at the four pounds. Because, as I mentioned before, I didn't have a great weekend prior to Thanksgiving. So I'll take the four pounds. But I'm certainly not satisfied.

So, that was weigh-in No. 50. Two more to go and I'll have wrapped up a full year.

The Scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2
Week 35 - Lost 5
Week 36 - GAINED 4
Week 37 - Lost 3
Week 38 - No Weigh-In. New Program
Week 39 - Lost 10
Week 40 - Lost 7
Week 41 - Lost 2
Week 42 - Lost 6
Week 43 - Lost 3
Week 44 - Lost 4
Week 45 - Lost 2
Week 46 - Lost 4
Week 47 - Lost 2
Week 48 - Lost 3
Week 49 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling (Thanksgiving)
Week 50 - Lost 4 (Covers week 49 as well)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Checking In

Sorry I've been a little slow to update, but things have been a little crazy around here of late with the hiring of a new football coach and all.

Anyway, I stepped on the scales this morning for the first time since my last weigh-in day. One day before next weigh-in time. And I was down four pounds.

So, it looks like not only have I survived the past two weeks and a couple of really bad meals, but I've stayed on course and made more progress. Maybe I'm figuring out this thing after all.

I'm sure the walking helped. I mentioned the two miles I walked on Thanksgiving morning. I did another mile here at home on Sunday afternoon. I'll work out tomorrow for the first time in nine days, and should be able to get back to some semblance of a regular schedule.

It's just good to know that while I'm still not totally disciplined, my self-discipline is improving each and every week.

By the way, when I weigh in tomorrow it will be my 50th official trip to the scales.

Two weeks to go and I'll have been doing this for a year.