Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Back In Town

Got back in from Arizona late last night. I was gone for six days covering Clemson in the Super Regionals vs. Arizona State.

Talked to Vernon today. We are hitting it hard again starting with Tuesday's workout. Time to quite messing around and feeling sorry for myself. Time to get down to business again.

Had a lot of time to think in the car going and coming, and I think I've turned a corner with my motivation. We shall see.

It's now 7 1/2 months until the Reds Fantasy Camp in Goodyear, Az. Can't do it in the shape I'm in now.

Focus, Dan. Focus.


Anonymous said...

I hope you don't wait until Tuesday to get going with your solo workouts and better eating habits!

DeFendis said...

Dan and Friends,
We all become really quite remarkable when
we start realizing that we can do things that we set our minds on.

First we have to believe
in our dreams and goals.

Then we have to believe in
our game plan for success.

Finally we have to
believe in ourselves and the people who support our vision...
By doing so, we will embrace the first secret of success.

This is the concept of Ultra Fit.
Your dreams and goals of being in shape and healthy
will come to fruition by believing...

By believing in our
Ultra Fit program & our game plan for Success,
and by believing in
our support in helping you achieve that success!

You will easily believe in yourself
as you see the results from your efforts.

Thank you for the opportunity
to travel this journey with you Dan!
By getting in the game 100% we can create Success for you.
Why waste an opportunity like this?
Isn't it important that your family reap the rewards of you living a better quality of life and a longer life?
Won't it be great when you step on the Baseball field in 7 months in Arizona?
Let's do this!
John DeFendis/Vernon Allen