Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bye Week

I'm considering this a bye week. Schedule just picked up dramatically. Situation with Anthony. Mentally I just needed a break. Weigh-ins will resume next week.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sad Evening

Just got back from the funeral home in Liberty.

Anthony's family was receiving friends tonight. The funeral is tomorrow and I won't be able to go because of work, so I wanted to make sure I saw him this evening.

It was a difficult thing, as you might imagine. But I did get to meet Anthony's sister, Pam, and several other members of his family. And I'm pleased to report that there was a huge crowd there, people coming in and out the entire time.

Goes to show how well loved he was.

But it goes to one of my fundamental pet peeves. Often we don't show how much we care or appreciate someone until after they're gone. And then it's too late. At least for the deceased.

That idea - honoring and appreciating someone while they're still alive to enjoy it - is the genesis of a plan we're going to implement at Upstate Challenger Sports. If all goes according to plan, early next year we're going to pick out someone to honor and throw a massive dinner for them. Guest speaker. The whole works.

That's in the future, though. Unfortuantely, Anthony's future was cut short. But his memory lives on.

And as much as I hate funeral homes (another story for another time), I'm glad I went tonight.

Rest in peace, Anthony.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

In Memory of Anthony Bell

I just got off the phone with a guy named Joel Aiken.

Joel and his best friend, Anthony Bell, have both been fans of the station - and my show - for years. I've gotten to know both extremely well, and consider both friends.

Joel called to inform me that Anthony's family found him dead in his bed about three hours ago. Apparently he had been gone for some time, maybe as long as 12 hours before his body was discovered.

Body was discovered. Sounds so impersonal. So news-ish. Such an unfit ending for a young man who loved God, loved his family, and loved his Clemson Tigers.

For someone who was trying desperately to save his own life, Anthony deserved a better fate.

You see, Anthony and I are - or were - in a similar battle. A battle with obesity. But as big as I am, Anthony was - and I'm guessing here - probably 300 pounds heavier than me.

He and Joel were an odd couple. But a fun-loving odd couple.

Anthony and his beat up old van, lugging both Joel and himself around town. Be it to practice or to one of my show lunch stops. Here they'd come. Anthony always looking out for his little buddy Joel, who would either be on crutches or negotiating his way around in a wheelchair.

There were numerous times in the past three or four years that Anthony and I had talked at length about our weight issues. Everything from where to buy clothing that would fit, to trying to find the motivation to lose weight and get back part of our lives.

Ultimately we both found the motivation. But we chose different paths.

Whereas I began my current program in December, Anthony chose to have gastric bypass surgery. It was a long, excruciating decision for him I know. But ultimately he decided it was the best path for him to take.

He had the surgery in April, and when he last weighed in just a week or so ago Anthony had lost over 150 pounds. He'd had some minor complications, Joel told me. Things like dehydration and ulcers.

But the doctors apparently attributed it to the stress he was under not from the surgery, but from the constant vigil he held over his terminally ill father.

Anthony lost his father less than a month ago. The last conversation I had with him was that day, when he called to tell me his dad had passed away. We talked for probably 20-25 minutes, and at the end Anthony kept telling me how much he loved me, as only a Christian man could.

I told him that his dad wasn't suffering anymore, and that he had lived long enough to see Anthony take the step to extend his own life.

Whether that step - the surgery - was ultimately responsible for his death won't be known for a few days. An autopsy is scheduled before the funeral takes place.

Gastric bypass surgery is dangerous. It has a mortality rate with it. And it's because of those risks that I chose not to have it.

Again, I don't know what killed Anthony. I don't know if there were surgical complications that went undetected. I don't know if he lost too much weight too quickly and his heart couldn't take it.

I don't know if it was just his time. Time for him to be with his dad.

What I do know is that as I sit here writing this, it's hard to imagine that he's really gone. And, as you might imagine, it really hits home.

We shared a love of sports. We shared a love of radio, albeit from different sides of the business. And we shared a battle that some of you know well, but many of you never will.

And now he's gone. And I'm still here.

And I can't help but wonder why.

Anthony was a preacher, a singer, a foundation and a fan. An uncomplicated man, his loves were simple, and they were pure.

I can only hope he went peacefully. I can only pray he's at peace.

Keep his family in your prayers. Joel too. Joel likely will have to preach his best friend's funeral this week.

And on a much less important note, keep me in your thoughts and prayers, too.

This one hurts. And it's going to take some time to get over.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Smack Me, Please

This is the kind of stupid thing I do.

I had a great weigh-in today. Back-to-back weeks with a loss for the first time in ages. I follow that up with a good day, food-wise. No overeating. Staying within my limits. Drinking the requisite lake full of water.

Then my wife comes home from church, carrying a pizza. Left over from the youth meeting tonight.

Initially, no problem. Just grab the top off one piece and leave the crust alone. Pepperoni and cheese. Fits into my low carb diet, and a nice little diversion from the norm.

Twenty minutes later, I ate a whole piece. Crust and all.

Now, an hour afterwards, I'm beating myself up over succumbing to the temptation.

Understand, one piece of pizza in the course of the week will mean little in the grand scheme of things. But it's that kind of action - that weakness - that has haunted me throughout the last couple of months.

And, really, for the last 22 years or so.

A piece of pizza here, something else there. No problem, I say. I've got it under control.

Next thing you know, BOOM.

Weight gain.

This is my quandry in a nutshell. Constant, daily small battles wrapped inside this huge war I'm fighting.

Welcome to my world, boys and girls. Keep your hands and feet inside the car.

Positive Momentum

Been a couple of months since this has happened.

'Bout time. Now at 62 total.

The Scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2
Week 35 - Lost 5

Monday, August 18, 2008

Post-Virus Update

I popped over to Clemson this morning for my usual post-weekend gander at the scales.

No numbers here, because my official weigh-in day isn't until Wednesday, but I was down a fairly dramatic number. For me anyway.

I've had a very good week so far. And then there was the virus that wiped me out for 24 hours beginning last Wednesday afternoon. In fact, I can't help but wonder if I'm still showing some of the effects of that whole ordeal.

While in the past my weight would come back within a day or so after such an episode, it doesn't appear to be happening this time. At least through this morning. And up until yesterday I was still having a little grab in my calves from time to time, as if they wanted to cramp up on me.

Well, we'll know for sure Wednesday morning.

I just want another week with a loss. It's been a while since I posted back-to-back winning weeks.

By the way, those of you who started this with me back in December, where are you?

Talk to me.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Not What I Had In Mind

I've been looking for a little kick-start to get back in the swing of things. But this is ridiculous.

Wednesday when I got home from my after-show lunch, I was hit by some sort of stomach virus. I haven't felt that bad in a long, long time.

I lost so much fluid that my arms and legs began cramping as the evening went on. A nurse friend of ours wanted me to go to the emergency room for an IV, but I didn't feel like moving. Instead I settled for Gatorade and hoped for the best. Thankfully, that was enough to get me through the night.

I did go in and do my show on Thursday, though I really shouldn't have. It was early Thursday evening before things finally seemed to get back to normal. Even today, though, I'm still feeling a little tug in my calves.

Had I the time Thursday morning, I would have popped over to Clemson to see what the scales said. Would have been interesting, I'm sure.

As it was, I was lucky to be upright at all.

What effect will it have on this week? I guess we'll find out soon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Starting Over, Starting Slow

Weigh-In Day. Trying to approach things with a new attitude.

So, finding out this morning I lost two pounds over the last week has me feeling pretty good. Let's hope it's the beginning of a good, long stretch of positive (or should that be negative?) weeks.

The Scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2

Monday, August 11, 2008

Spinning Wheel

Just a quick note here. Checked the scales this morning, and the report was encouraging.

Don't know what's going on here, but I can tell you this. I thought I was fairly stable emotionally. As this experience progresses, I'm not so sure anymore.

I might be a candidate for Springer before too much longer.

Okay, not quite that bad. But you get the idea.

I've been seriously considering just checking out for a week or two. No blog updates, nothing. But after some thought I realized that isn't going to help anything. I have to find the mindset I had at the beginning, all the way back in December.

To that end, I've gone back and re-read my blog, start to finish, for the first time - reminding myself of why I started and how far I've come.

Lately I've been dreading weigh-in day, worried about the damage I'd done. It wasn't that way in the beginning. I was excited about hitting the scales.

If it sounds confusing or meandering, it well may be. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense or not.

But one thing I'm not going to do is quit. Not again. Not this time.

I've got too much at stake.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Finding "It" Again

I've had nearly 36 hours to digest yesterday's weigh-in.

While I still don't know how a seven-pound gain is possible, I have spent some time in quiet reflection on my situation. I've been looking at the past couple of months, not just last week.

In the heat of battle, the major issues appeared to be temptations while traveling and other assorted cheating. And those have played a role in my current position, that of a man trying very hard to remain calm while the quicksand slowly rises around his ears.

The bigger issue, though, is this: Slowly, over the course of time, I've made little allowances that have turned into bad habits. Too much diet soda. A small piece of bread nicked from my wife's dinner. Little bits of dessert and/or other forbidden foods.

Yeah, it's only a bite here or a dab there. But it adds up, and suddenly I've realized that the program I started back in December isn't exactly what I'm doing now.

I'm still eating better, but I've got to make myself get back to the hard-line stance I had early on.

No more "It's just this" or "It's just that."

Willpower. I don't have nearly enough of it. Not lately.

And that's where I am today. Searching.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Point of Exasperation

I thought I had seen it all during this process. But I hadn't.

One week after the scales showed I lost six pounds, today when I weighed-in they showed I had GAINED seven.

Gained seven.

How the hell is that possible? I ate less food this week than I did last week. For the last two weeks I've stayed closer to the diet than I have in a while. Down six one week, then up seven the next?

I even called Danny Poole, the head trainer at Clemson to see if something was wrong with the scales. But he tested, checked, weighed himself and they are exactly where they should be.

I'm really too stunned to be upset. Almost numb, even.

Going into this process I thought I was a fairly strong person, emotionally. And for the most part I have been. But I don't know if I can take swings like this.

If I did something to warrant such a gain, I'd admit it. But seven pounds? You've got to be kidding me.

I just don't know what to say, how to react, or how to even begin to process something like this.

The Scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7