Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Those Same Old Feelings

I'm in dangerous territory right now.

I'm seven weeks into my weight loss deal. Even with the two pound gain this week, I've still lost 27 pounds in that period of time. That's almost four pounds a week. Over a year that's just under 208 pounds.

I should be happy.

Instead, I'm scared to death.

I've hit the stage of this thing where the doubts begin to creep in. I'm tired of eating the same food all the time. I'm tired of drinking water. I'm tired of worrying about the whole damn thing.

I'm just tired.

This is the way I've gotten in the past when I quit on my previous attempts. And it scares me because I can't fail this time. I can't. It's not an option.

And yet I'm afraid it's going to happen.

Somehow I've got to get these bad thoughts out of my head. I've got to push through this and take it.

My parents are coming to visit this weekend. My dad had a week very similar to mine. So maybe it just happens. I don't know.

I think I'll go stick my head in the freezer for a while and cool off.


I'm sitting here outside the studio waiting to go on the air this morning, and I ain't happy.

Today was weigh-in day. And this morning the scales said I GAINED two pounds this past week. Gained two. Are you kidding me?

I mean, I didn't eat two pounds worth of steak sandwich. Geez. I need to go back and look and see what else went wrong, because I have to tell you I never saw this one coming. Never even crossed my mind.

So, now the scoreboard reads:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2

Needless to say, my motivation for next week has just kicked into a higher gear.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Good Weekend

Not only was it good to see my dad this weekend and be a part of his surprise 60th birthday party, but I handled the temptations very well.

At the party it was grilled chicken and shrimp. No baked potato. Green beans and salad. I even stayed away from the birthday cake. All I had was some sugar-free ice cream (Thank God for Dr. Mom...LOL).

I did allow myself one cheat - I ate a steak sandwich from the pizza joint I mentioned. They didn't have wheat bread, but I did it anyway. I don't think it will hurt me. But we'll find out on Wednesday.

Oh, and for those of you who have been asking, yes - I know the Rise Guys on 93.3 make fun of me on a regular basis. My weight, among other things, has been a frequent target of theirs. And no, it doesn't bother me.

Personally, I've never heard them do it, but plenty of you have because of the emails I get about it.

But I look at it this way: It's more publicity for both me and my show. And free publicity, at that.

That's a pretty good deal in my book.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Weekend Test Coming

I get a major test this weekend.

We are heading back home to West Virginia early Saturday morning to surprise my dad by being at his 60th birthday party. It will be good to see him again, because as many of you know it's because of his health issues that I decided to finally start working on my weight problem.

Dad got a week head start on me, and he's lost 36 pounds in the first seven weeks. So that can be nothing but good news.

But we are going to be having his party at a local steak house. There will be cake and ice cream served. And one of my favorite pizza joints in the world is located there, too (they also make a killer steak sandwich). The temptations will be all around, to be sure.

However, I'm trying to remind myself that those temptations are going to be a daily issue for the rest of my life - just like they have been for the previous 40 years.

On the positive side, I've had more and more people begin to tell me they can notice I've dropped weight. That's nice to hear.

But we're just getting started.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Another Positive Week!

Been wrapped up with work and family stuff, so I didn't get to update the blog over the last few days. But today was weigh-in day, and I hit the scales before heading off to the radio show.

The result?

Lost another five pounds. That's 29 total in six weeks.

And this week was interesting. Whereas two weeks ago I knew I was in trouble, and last week I felt good about things, this week I really didn't know what to think. So, I guess maybe it's my own uncertainty or insecurity I've got to overcome.

Positive results will help where that's concerned, no question about it.

So, here's the running scorecard:

Week 1 - 9 pounds
Week 2 - 3 pounds
Week 3 - 3 pounds
Week 4 - 0 pounds
Week 5 - 9 pounds
Week 6 - 5 pounds

And as always, thanks for all the emails and calls of support.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sleepy Saturday

Well, I've found one surefire way to avoid food temptations today.


What a wonderful day. Get up late, take an early nap. Recharge the batteries and not eat all at the same time. Sounds like a plan. The Dan Scott Sleep Diet. Book signing coming soon to your town.

Ahh, but now that it's over it's time to get ready for work. Another basketball pregame show at Wingin' It this afternoon. I have allowed myself a few wings on each of these shows. Would be better if they weren't deep fried, obviously, but otherwise they fit into my low-carb plan.

Oh, and I don't know where this falls on the good/bad scale from a time standpoint, but I was proud of myself for at least the choice I made last night. Getting extremely hungry at around 9:30 p.m., rather than cave in or even reach for a handful of sugar-free cookies, I had a bowl of salad.

This remains a work in progress, and no, I haven't gotten myself on a regimented time schedule of any sort. But what I'm doing seems to be working.

Now I just have to get the proper mindset in place to begin the exercise portion of this project.

Easier said than done.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Wow, talk about your roller coaster ride.

After a zero week last week, I couldn't wait until after the show today. I went to Clemson early, hopped into the training room, and weighed myself.

The result?

Lost nine more pounds.

That brings the total to 24 in the first five weeks.

This up and down mental ride is exhausting. But weeks like this make it worth it. Now I've got to make sure I keep it going in the right direction.

So now, the scoreboard update:

Week 1 - 9 pounds
Week 2 - 3 pounds
Week 3 - 3 pounds
Week 4 - 0 pounds
Week 5 - 9 pounds

Adding this to today's entry. Some recent emails have asked how/why this weight loss issue got started, and why I'm doing it in public? The following is part of a column I wrote for TigerNet back on Dec. 13. This should explain it all:

Finally, a rare personal note.

I want to clear up some confusion about something I said on my radio show today. I want it in writing so everyone knows what I said.

I'm not dying. I'm not sick. I've got nothing terminal. Yet.

What I did get was a warning shot fired in my direction after a visit to the doctor Wednesday.

Blood work has revealed that I'm in a pre-diabetic stage, and that my good cholesterol number is about 12 points too low. Not surprising for a guy roughly the size of a Volkswagon Beetle, eh?

I always kid about my weight. I'm not sensitive about it, and nobody makes more jokes about it than I do. People who otherwise can't win an argument and fire away at my weight when they criticize something I write or say think they are bothering me. They aren't.

I'm fat. We've documented that point. I did it to myself. I'm not suing McDonald's or anyone else for making me this way.

What I am doing, though, is finally saying enough is enough. Those warning signs came from tests I took after finding out my dad is having much more serious issues that are also weight related. It was a wakeup call for me, because I want to be around long enough to become a burden on my children (thanks Jeff Foxworthy).

In seven years of hosting my own daily show on WCCP and even a time or two in other on-air capacities before that, I tried weight-loss tactics that were nothing more than publicity stunts. Well, I can promise you this is no stunt.

I now know that if I don't do something, and quick, not only won't I be around to bug my children in my old age, I may not be around another 7-10 years to heckle all of you. And goodness knows how much I love doing that.

Anyway, Friday I go for a stress test. If all checks out well, I begin work with both a physical trainer and a nutritionist inside the next couple of weeks. Serious work. No publicity stunts.

It's the drive to stay alive.

Why am I saying this publicly?

Two reasons. One, perhaps there are others in a similar circumstance. If talking about my problems inspires someone else to take the same steps I'm taking, then I've accomplished something.

But I'm also asking for your help, asking you to become something of an extended support group. As much as I'm on the road and out in public, visible to many of you, I want you to help be my conscience until I get this thing rolling strong in the right direction.

If you see me eating or drinking something I shouldn't be, call me out on it. Smack me. Put me in a headlock. Do something.

Temptation is around every corner, and as you can see I've turned more than a few corners in my life.

I have a great wife and two beautiful daughters. I have a job I love, a number of wonderful friends, and a readership/listenership that keeps me on the straight and narrow.

It's all worth living for, and it's time I make sure I'm living for them for a long, long time.

I appreciate your support.

Keep me, and my dad, in your prayers.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Feeling Better

Well, with one more day to go before this week's weigh-in, I'm feeling much better about things. This time last week I had that foreboding sense of doom.

I suppose I shouldn't fret too much about a zero week. After all, I didn't gain anything. But I'm not going to make any progress if all I do is serve and volley. So hopefully my instincts are right again, and this week is a good one.

Some good news. More than one person has told me they can tell I've lost weight. That helps, because I can't see it yet. I only know it's happened because my pants are a bit more loose these days.

Oh, and being on the road again a day or two this week, I've handled it much better.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Weekend's A-Comin'

It's late Friday afternoon. Dusk is about to fall. Just finished watching another episode of MASH. Man, what a great show that was.

None of that has anything to do with my attempt to lose weight. As you can see, I'm trying to distract myself. If I'm not out working and keeping busy, the cravings try their best to drive me crazy. And with nothing scheduled tonight, most of Saturday and all day Sunday, this should be fun (sigh).

Anyway, here's the running tab as we continue this journey. I'll make sure to update it every week.

Week 1 - Lost 9 pounds
Week 2 - Lost 3 pounds
Week 3 - Lost 3 pounds
Week 4 - Lost 0 pounds

I hate that stupid zero.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008



That's how much weight I lost last week. Zero.

I suppose the good news is that I didn't gain anything, either. But, as I wrote yesterday, I had a feeling it was going to be a bad week. Go with your gut instinct, I always say. And once again I was right.

There was one other piece of news that really is good that came out of today. Went back to the doctor for my follow-up and everything is okay. No further issues. Just gotta get the weight off.

Which means no more weeks like this last one.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Night Before

I'm worried.

I don't feel like I've had as good a week this time around. I actually felt better after the two weeks over the holidays. Don't ask me why. Maybe, as I said the other night, it's because we've been eating out quite a bit.

But then again, who knows? I ate out a lot the first three weeks, too, when I was on the road.

I just don't feel as confident. There were no real breakdowns, as such. But maybe I ate too much of the good things.

So, I weigh in tomorrow, then go to my doctor's appointment that was rescheduled from last week.

I'm going to have to quit putting off working out and snap to it. But I know me. If I do it and my mind's not totally set in and in the right frame, I'll fail. I've failed so many times before...I can't this time.

Slow and steady. I keep telling myself. Slow and steady. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

I'm going to bed now. I need a full night's sleep.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

On The Road Again

Coming to you tonight from just outside the Nation's Capital, bedding down in rainy College Park, Md.

Just finished writing a column on Sunday's Clemson-North Carolina basketball game for TigerNet ( Too bad I'm going to miss that game. I'll be busy working up here.

Tomorrow (Sunday) the Clemson Lady Tigers face No. 5 Maryland to open the ACC season. I get to call the game on radio, as per usual, and will do so wondering if the 38-point loss the team suffered at Dayton a couple of weeks ago might be a pleasant walk in the park compared to this one.

I guess we will wait and see.

Anyway, next weigh-in time will be interesting. Circumstances have dictated that I eat out a lot in the last few days. It can be challenging to do so when you're trying to lose weight. Everything looks so darn good...LOL.

But, I'm trying. I've not been perfect, to be sure. But I've been pretty good.

How good remains to be seen. But it's just another obstacle I've got to learn to overcome as I try to recapture my life.

Keep after me, folks. I need the help, the support, the chastisement.

And as always, thanks.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

More Good News

Coming to you tonight from Halton Arena in Charlotte, where it's halftime of the Clemson-Charlotte women's basketball game (Clemson trails 31-27...not much new there).

For me, it was weigh-in day No. 3, and it proved to be another successful week. The scales said I lost three more pounds, bringing my three-week total now to 15. Six of those pounds have come in the last two weeks, through all the Christmas parties, family gatherings and New Year's get-togethers.

Kinda proud of myself for that.

Ah, but it's the long haul that matters. Gotta stay focused on the task at hand.

Oh, my follow-up doctor's appointment scheduled for tomorrow got moved to next week, but I think I'll start the physical workout on Monday anyway.

Wish me luck.