Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hello From The Hills

Thanksgiving morning at the parents' house in West Virginia.

Many of you have been worried that I was going to have a setback today, or on this trip. And the worry is understandable.

Actually, my biggest issue of late was last weekend. Got caught out twice with large groups of people in the wrong restaurants, and the results weren't good. So I'm glad I didn't get on the scales at all this week. Don't know what I would have seen.

I know what I saw and heard, though. In my mind, that is. It was John DeFendis saying "commitment, commitment, commitment." And it was Vernon sending me up the stairs.

So, as you can see, I still have my moments of weakness. In fact, it remains a daily struggle. Even with the success I've had. I still fight the urge to chuck it all and settle back into that unhealthy lifestyle.

The one that was going to kill me.

Fortunately, my resolve is significantly stronger these days. And those dark moods don't last as long.

It's right at 11 a.m. as I write this. Already today I've had my good Ultra Fit meal and walked two miles. Yeah, I said walked two miles.

I feel good. I'm on track. And today isn't going to be a problem.

It's going to be good week.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Let The Holidays Begin

Heading to West Virginia for Thanksgiving Tuesday afternoon. Won't be around to weigh in this week.

Probably not a bad idea. I've been obsessing a bit lately, and can use the mental break away from things. Not the diet. I'll be staying on that as strictly as possible.

But it's like one of those dark moods has been lingering, and my motivation has been challenged a bit lately. Odd, really, since I've had 11 straight weeks of weight loss.

What can I say? It's a process.

Getting away from the normal routine for a couple of days might be just what the doctor ordered.

I'll check in from the home front.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weigh-In Day

Hit the scales this morning. Down another three pounds.

It was very close - a few ounces, in fact - to rolling over to four pounds. In fact, I was tempted to go ahead and take the four. But I didn't.

So that's 104 total, and 47 since joining Ultra Fit.

Not upset though. I'll take almost four pounds every week. And it will only make next week's take even better.

The Scoreboard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2
Week 35 - Lost 5
Week 36 - GAINED 4
Week 37 - Lost 3
Week 38 - No Weigh-In. New Program
Week 39 - Lost 10
Week 40 - Lost 7
Week 41 - Lost 2
Week 42 - Lost 6
Week 43 - Lost 3
Week 44 - Lost 4
Week 45 - Lost 2
Week 46 - Lost 4
Week 47 - Lost 2
Week 48 - Lost 3

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Surprising Vernon

Yesterday, during my workout, Vernon pulled something new on me.

We went through a "cycle" of exercises to start off the day. We did one set of incline squats (15 reps), one set of leg extensions (15 reps) and then up and down the stairs carrying the 25-pound weights. Completing all three exercises comprised one full set.

Vernon wanted me to do five sets.

So, off I went. Squat, extend walk. Squat, extend walk.

Getting tired? You bet. But not so exhaused that I couldn't spring a suprise on ol' Vern.

On the final trip up the stairs at the end of the fifth set I ran. Yep, ran up the stairs carrying the blasted weights.

Finished up breathing only moderately hard.

So for all the mock complaining I do about Vernon and the gym, it's working. The progress is noticeable in the way I feel, the way I move, the way I get around.

I haven't felt this good in years. And there's still much more to be done.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Answering Questions From Readers

This post is in response to the two comments left on my last entry.

As I've mentioned before, "Ultra Fit" is a fancy name for good old fashioned diet and exercise. No supplements. No "diet food." None of that trash.

As I'm finding out, it's a proven system for getting the weight off quickly - and doing so in a healthy fashion - by combining a good diet with the proper strength training.

Marc, I try to limit my sodium intake to 80mg or less per serving, per meal. So if I have a protien, a carb and a salad, I try to keep each one at 80 mg or less. A total of 150 or less is considered low, but we're going for really low.

Cut out the fat and sugar with it, and the weight comes off.

It's really that simple.

I will admit, eating this way has taken some getting used to. And I'm still not over all my cravings for the other stuff (probably never will be).

But look at the results. I lost 57 pounds in just over nine months doing the low-carb thing. In 8 1/2 weeks on John's system - and with Vernon's guidance - I lost 44.

I can't tell you how much better I feel, and how much easier it is to function. Last night at Greenville High School's football game I found myself running up stairs, for goodness sake (hopefully Vernon quit reading a paragraph or two above...LOL).

Our anonymous contributor is correct. John is doing a great job. Not just with me, but with many, many lives.

I still have a long way to go, somewhere between 120-140 pounds I want to get off.

But my skepticism has been alleviated. If I fail this time, it won't be because of Ultra Fit.

It will be because of me. Again.

And now, maybe for the first time, I just don't see that happening.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Press Box Challenge

Today is an example of the challenges I face on this "project" of mine.

Because my job has me on the run so much, it's difficult at times to keep ahead of the game where Ultra Fit-quality meals are concerned. It takes much preparation ahead of time to ensure I'm able to eat the right way - and on schedule - but even then there are roadblocks.

Today, for instance, I'm in the press box here at Clemson. Kickoff for the Homecoming game with Duke is 12:10 p.m. I ate before leaving the house this morning, but because the stadium frowns on bringing your own food into the facility, I get stuck trying to make the best of the press meal provided here.

Once I leave for the postgame show I host at Wild Wing Cafe in Greenville it's not so bad, because I can order what I need - chicken prepared with no salt/seasoning, plain baked potato and a salad. In fact, I'll be there so long that I'll do it twice.

But with the meal coming up here in the press box I'll have to make due with baked chicken or a turkey (deli meat) sandwich on wheat bread. Both of which have more sodium that I'm supposed to take in per serving.

The good news is I'll get at least two good meals on top of it before the day ends, which will help matters.

But the challenges remain constant. In January, for instance, in the span of a week I have to drive to Miami, back home, and then back to Tallahassee.

(AUTHOR'S NOTE : For those interested, I hate to fly. I'm chicken. I admit it. Well, let me clarify. It's not the flying that scares me. It's the slamming-into-the-ground-at-a-speed-so-high-your-brains-wind-up-in-your-shoes that terrifies me. I operate under this policy - If I'm driving and the engine bursts into flames, I can pull over and get out. That's not an option at 30,000 feet).

Anyway, I'll be doing all that traveling for Clemson women's basketball broadcasts. And then two weeks later I go to Boston.

Looks like I'll be toting around quite a few grilled chicken sandwiches.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Back On The Scales

Weighed in today, as I do every Wednesday.

I lost two pounds last week. That puts me at 101 total, and an operating weight of 378. Now 44 of those pounds have been lost since beginning the Ultra Fit system 8 1/2 weeks ago.

Figured I would have lost more than two pounds, but it's still a positive step forward.

With five trips to the scales remaining before I hit the one-year mark, my goal is to get to at least 120 pounds lost by then. Reasonable?

We shall see.

The Scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2
Week 35 - Lost 5
Week 36 - GAINED 4
Week 37 - Lost 3
Week 38 - No Weigh-In. New Program
Week 39 - Lost 10
Week 40 - Lost 7
Week 41 - Lost 2
Week 42 - Lost 6
Week 43 - Lost 3
Week 44 - Lost 4
Week 45 - Lost 2
Week 46 - Lost 4
Week 47 - Lost 2

Monday, November 10, 2008

Up The Stairs!!!

I've written in recent weeks about Vernon sending me up the stairs at Coop's Gym in Anderson, a 25-pound weight in each hand.

Seventeen steps. Up and down constituting one trip.

First it was three trips. Then five, which I couldn't make the first time. The second time, I did it but felt like I had been run over by a cement truck. I was shot the rest of the day.

The third time? It was hard, but I got through it without the pain of the previous excursion.

Anyway, it had been more than a week since he had sent me up the stairs, so I had an inkling it was coming today. But I was wrong.

Vernon didn't send me up and down the steps five times.

He sent up and down the steps six times.

Nice of him, eh? But, I have to say, the six trips today were slightly easier than the last time I did five. It was still tough, but it's a sign I'm getting in better and better shape.

And that's the idea.

While I've still got a long way to go, I can't tell you how much better I feel. How much easier it is to walk. I even caught myself in a half-jog going across the parking lot at church the other day, and I haven't done something like that in years.

My energy is getting better, as well.

Just gotta keep moving in the right direction.

Milestone Achieved

It's Monday morning, and now I can say officially that I've passed the 100 pound mark in weight lost.

It's not the end of the journey by any means. In fact, to reach my goal it's not even the halfway point.

But still, to hit that 100-pound mark is huge. Triple digits.

Never would have believed it was possible.

Now, on to the next 100.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So Close...

Is it possible to be disappointed with losing four pounds in a week?

Perhaps, if the fifth pound would have given you a grand total of 100.

That's what happened. Hit the scales today and I've lost four pounds. Make me 99 total, bringing my weight down to 380. I've lost 42 pounds in 7 1/2 weeks since joining Ultra Fit.

Of course I'm not disappointed in losing four pounds. But I really wanted that 100-pound mark this week.

The good news is it will come by no later than Friday, and I'll have gotten there with still five weeks to go before my first full year is up.

So yeah, I'm a little bummed that I didn't get there this morning. But still, four pounds a week?

Sign me up.

The Scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1
Week 11 - Lost 3
Week 12 - Lost 0
Week 13 - Lost 7
Week 14 - Lost 1
Week 15 - GAINED 3
Week 16 - Lost 5
Week 17 - GAINED 3
Week 18 - Lost 4
Week 19 - Lost 3
Week 20 - Lost 0
Week 21 - Lost 6
Week 22 - No Weigh-In Due To Traveling
Week 23 - Lost 1 (Covers Week 22 as well)
Week 24 - No Weigh-In Due to Schedule Change
Week 25 - Lost 0 (Covers Week 24 as well)
Week 26 - Lost 1
Week 27 - Results thrown out due to scale malfunction
Week 28 - GAINED 1
Week 29 - No Weigh-In Due To Vacation
Week 30 - GAINED 1 (Covers Week 29 as well)
Week 31 - GAINED 2
Week 32 - Lost 6
Week 33 - GAINED 7
Week 34 - Lost 2
Week 35 - Lost 5
Week 36 - GAINED 4
Week 37 - Lost 3
Week 38 - No Weigh-In. New Program
Week 39 - Lost 10
Week 40 - Lost 7
Week 41 - Lost 2
Week 42 - Lost 6
Week 43 - Lost 3
Week 44 - Lost 4
Week 45 - Lost 2
Week 46 - Lost 4

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bearing Down On 100

When I popped back over to Clemson on Thursday for a post-weigh in look, I had dropped another pound.

It won't officially count until next Wednesday, but in the immediate that made me 96 pounds lighter than when I started this process.

Four more pounds for 100. Four.

Not that I'm stopping there. Far from it. Ideally I need to lose another 120-140 beyond that mark (Vernon says with my body frame and the weight training I'm doing, I will carry a finishing weight of 240-260 very well).

But that 100 pound mark is a big deal for me. I wanted to get it in less than a year. And if I can swing four more by Wednesday, I'll have done it it with six weeks to spare.

So, I'm working hard to stay away from the bad meals this week. And so far, so good.

Getting to that number means a lot to me.