Monday, November 10, 2008

Milestone Achieved

It's Monday morning, and now I can say officially that I've passed the 100 pound mark in weight lost.

It's not the end of the journey by any means. In fact, to reach my goal it's not even the halfway point.

But still, to hit that 100-pound mark is huge. Triple digits.

Never would have believed it was possible.

Now, on to the next 100.


Anonymous said...

Many congratulations from this side of the pond.
Here's to the next 100!
We look forward to seeing less of you when we get over there in 4 weeks time!
John & Julie
English Correspondents.

Anonymous said...

Dan, just wanted to say great job!!! You should be very proud of the hard work you are doing. Good luck the rest of the way!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing, Dan. Great job!

Anonymous said...

this is very noteworthy. i have just won some money, which makes it even better!!! keep it going dan. pk

Anonymous said...

Freakin awesome Dan! I knew you would get there.


Alexis d'Amecourt said...

Your a Century Man! Can't wait to call you the Bicentennial Man.

Keep up the hard work.

Alexis John d'Amecourt
CU class of '96