Thursday, November 27, 2008

Hello From The Hills

Thanksgiving morning at the parents' house in West Virginia.

Many of you have been worried that I was going to have a setback today, or on this trip. And the worry is understandable.

Actually, my biggest issue of late was last weekend. Got caught out twice with large groups of people in the wrong restaurants, and the results weren't good. So I'm glad I didn't get on the scales at all this week. Don't know what I would have seen.

I know what I saw and heard, though. In my mind, that is. It was John DeFendis saying "commitment, commitment, commitment." And it was Vernon sending me up the stairs.

So, as you can see, I still have my moments of weakness. In fact, it remains a daily struggle. Even with the success I've had. I still fight the urge to chuck it all and settle back into that unhealthy lifestyle.

The one that was going to kill me.

Fortunately, my resolve is significantly stronger these days. And those dark moods don't last as long.

It's right at 11 a.m. as I write this. Already today I've had my good Ultra Fit meal and walked two miles. Yeah, I said walked two miles.

I feel good. I'm on track. And today isn't going to be a problem.

It's going to be good week.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


Anonymous said...

where are the freakin fotos???? we need to see some before and after type of action. like on those valerie bertanelli commercials where they show the before pictures where they're dressed up in sweats two sizes too large for them and also desheviled and then the after with their guts sucked in as much as possible. Stan Worthington

Anonymous said...

yo stan maybe when you put up some photos dan will. ever thought about that?

Anonymous said...


That's what true Champions are made of!

That's also what happy father's are made of with all of the added years of quality life that they will get to spend with their girls as they grow up and with their grandchildren one day!

That's what living is all about...

Stay the course Dan...
You will bless so many people as you move forward towards a happier and healthier future!

With great respect and admiration,
Your Coach and friends,
Johnny DeFendis & Vernon Allen

Anonymous said...

please tell don munson to not say "uh"