Sunday, November 16, 2008

Answering Questions From Readers

This post is in response to the two comments left on my last entry.

As I've mentioned before, "Ultra Fit" is a fancy name for good old fashioned diet and exercise. No supplements. No "diet food." None of that trash.

As I'm finding out, it's a proven system for getting the weight off quickly - and doing so in a healthy fashion - by combining a good diet with the proper strength training.

Marc, I try to limit my sodium intake to 80mg or less per serving, per meal. So if I have a protien, a carb and a salad, I try to keep each one at 80 mg or less. A total of 150 or less is considered low, but we're going for really low.

Cut out the fat and sugar with it, and the weight comes off.

It's really that simple.

I will admit, eating this way has taken some getting used to. And I'm still not over all my cravings for the other stuff (probably never will be).

But look at the results. I lost 57 pounds in just over nine months doing the low-carb thing. In 8 1/2 weeks on John's system - and with Vernon's guidance - I lost 44.

I can't tell you how much better I feel, and how much easier it is to function. Last night at Greenville High School's football game I found myself running up stairs, for goodness sake (hopefully Vernon quit reading a paragraph or two above...LOL).

Our anonymous contributor is correct. John is doing a great job. Not just with me, but with many, many lives.

I still have a long way to go, somewhere between 120-140 pounds I want to get off.

But my skepticism has been alleviated. If I fail this time, it won't be because of Ultra Fit.

It will be because of me. Again.

And now, maybe for the first time, I just don't see that happening.


Unknown said...

Hi Dan, I'm the lady that told you I weighed 225 (5'3") when I was 24 yrs. old. I have yoyoed for years. For the last 2 years I have stayed at 140 for the first time in my life.
I saw you at the Lady Tigers game today and would have loved to run over to you and congratulate you!!! I resisted, not wanting to interrupt your broadcast. When you went into the tunnel for a break, I was so pleased to see your progress and the spring in your step. Also a lot of smiling going on. I follow your progress and look forward to your continued success!!
I also had the pleasure of meeting Mickey and Ryan and Ryan's Dad at a men's game a couple of weeks ago. Ryan took a couple of unassisted steps for me.
I hope he continues to make progress along with you!!!
Keep on keeping on!! Rita Trinder

Anonymous said...

i saw you at the game today as well. way to go dan!!! looking sharp! if i could have whistled i would have.

Dan Scott Show said...

Thank you both, very much, Rita and whoever you are..LOL.

You should have come up and said hello. Please do next time.

Anonymous said...

It's about time you got Ally to update the photos on the WCCP website - the ones of you on there still having you resembling Jabba the Hut, not the Hans Solo you surely resemble now!!!
Keep up the good work.........
John H
English Correspondent.

Anonymous said...

Dan never looked like Jabba the Hut!!! that's offensive. i'm serious!!! do you get your manners from the tabloids in england?!?!

Anonymous said...

Dan, you've got it! Great job! You know how much I travel, get on a plane dude! I'll be a Million Miler on Delta in a couple years. You ain't gonna hit the gound. I would drive to Tally but no way in heck would I drive to Miami for a short stay. But then you will work in a stop over to visit your friends.


Anonymous said...

dan - frank caliendo imitates john madden. you shouldn't.