Saturday, August 16, 2008

Not What I Had In Mind

I've been looking for a little kick-start to get back in the swing of things. But this is ridiculous.

Wednesday when I got home from my after-show lunch, I was hit by some sort of stomach virus. I haven't felt that bad in a long, long time.

I lost so much fluid that my arms and legs began cramping as the evening went on. A nurse friend of ours wanted me to go to the emergency room for an IV, but I didn't feel like moving. Instead I settled for Gatorade and hoped for the best. Thankfully, that was enough to get me through the night.

I did go in and do my show on Thursday, though I really shouldn't have. It was early Thursday evening before things finally seemed to get back to normal. Even today, though, I'm still feeling a little tug in my calves.

Had I the time Thursday morning, I would have popped over to Clemson to see what the scales said. Would have been interesting, I'm sure.

As it was, I was lucky to be upright at all.

What effect will it have on this week? I guess we'll find out soon.


sunshine said...

Fluids and rest is what you need ! take care of yourself--
Try some dry toast or crackers and drink , drink ... don't want you muscles cramping.... potassium getting low ...

Anonymous said...

get back to work! not sure why this should slow you down any!