Monday, August 11, 2008

Spinning Wheel

Just a quick note here. Checked the scales this morning, and the report was encouraging.

Don't know what's going on here, but I can tell you this. I thought I was fairly stable emotionally. As this experience progresses, I'm not so sure anymore.

I might be a candidate for Springer before too much longer.

Okay, not quite that bad. But you get the idea.

I've been seriously considering just checking out for a week or two. No blog updates, nothing. But after some thought I realized that isn't going to help anything. I have to find the mindset I had at the beginning, all the way back in December.

To that end, I've gone back and re-read my blog, start to finish, for the first time - reminding myself of why I started and how far I've come.

Lately I've been dreading weigh-in day, worried about the damage I'd done. It wasn't that way in the beginning. I was excited about hitting the scales.

If it sounds confusing or meandering, it well may be. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense or not.

But one thing I'm not going to do is quit. Not again. Not this time.

I've got too much at stake.


Anonymous said...

your thoughts on the Dunn trade? also your thoughts on your own trade to cutigers? i thought it was interesting on both counts.

Dan Scott Show said...

Not overly surprised at the Dunn deal. They hadn't made any attempts to begin contract negotiations with him as the season wore on, so I think the implication was fairly clear.

As for me, it wasn't so much a trade as it was a free-agent signing. And I signed for less money...LOL. Right now it's just a better fit for me from a desired workload standpoint.

sunshine said...

Life is full of battles ...
God's grace will carry you

I know that when I think... I can't or get really down about something
I will go and help someone else and my problems don't seem that bad

I use to play this game in my head where I would wish for things that I already had instead of focusing on what I did not have ...
And it gave me a better outlook on things

It is still hard just a little break between innings sometimes helps