Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Smack Me, Please

This is the kind of stupid thing I do.

I had a great weigh-in today. Back-to-back weeks with a loss for the first time in ages. I follow that up with a good day, food-wise. No overeating. Staying within my limits. Drinking the requisite lake full of water.

Then my wife comes home from church, carrying a pizza. Left over from the youth meeting tonight.

Initially, no problem. Just grab the top off one piece and leave the crust alone. Pepperoni and cheese. Fits into my low carb diet, and a nice little diversion from the norm.

Twenty minutes later, I ate a whole piece. Crust and all.

Now, an hour afterwards, I'm beating myself up over succumbing to the temptation.

Understand, one piece of pizza in the course of the week will mean little in the grand scheme of things. But it's that kind of action - that weakness - that has haunted me throughout the last couple of months.

And, really, for the last 22 years or so.

A piece of pizza here, something else there. No problem, I say. I've got it under control.

Next thing you know, BOOM.

Weight gain.

This is my quandry in a nutshell. Constant, daily small battles wrapped inside this huge war I'm fighting.

Welcome to my world, boys and girls. Keep your hands and feet inside the car.


Anonymous said...

I see what I'm dealing with now! OH LORD give me patience!

Anonymous said...

I see you point but I'm looking up carb charts. 1 slice of pep pizza = 19 grams. 1 small taco = 26. And dang I hope you hate Mexican food because that stuff is full of carbs.


Anonymous said...

You need to enlist your family to join you in eating healthy. Then pizza would not even enter the house and the whole family will benefit with better health and also having dad around for many more years.

Anonymous said...

hey anonymous - while we're at it, why don't we just ban pizza! dan needs to show some self control. just because his wife shaves her legs doesn't mean he should start doing it! i wish people could understand that what is ok for some people isn't ok for others. but it doesn't make it not ok for the people that it's ok for. geez.