Friday, May 1, 2009

Trying To Rally

Went back to the grocery store yesterday and reloaded on the proper Ultra Fit-type food. Trying to drag myself out of the muck and get this thing moving back in the right direction.

I appreciate the direct comments from some of you in recent days. Trust me, I welcome all sorts of feedback. When you're trying to find motivation, anything and everything written, said or even thought can be used as a weapon.

However, the unfortunate truth in this situation is that the thing that has made the most impact of late is the death of David Poole.

Poole, 50, dropped dead of a heart attack at his home earlier this week. He was a popular, well-read writer and commentator who made his living covering NASCAR. He was considered the best in the business covering the sport.

Poole was also a very large man.

So to see another person lose the same battle I'm fighting...well, let's just say it got my attention.

I didn't know David personally. But I did, of course, know Anthony Bell. If you've read this blog on a regular basis, you know the backstory there.

Bottom line, it shook me up pretty good.

I don't want to be next. So I've got to find a way to get my head out of my rear end and get rolling again.

For all the good I've done in the past 16 months, none of it will matter if I don't finish the deal.


Ramblin said...

Hey Young Dan'l,

Ramblin' here... I see you're struggling. As you know, I have walked in your shoes... maybe not quite to the extent you are, but pretty close. The last time you saw me was back home at Little V and I had lost nearly 100 pounds (98 I think it was). It was so easy, it seemed, just walking a mile or so a day and eliminating most sugar from my diet. Then came the move because of the new job and I gave up my walking routine. I tried it for a while, but it seems I always found some reason not to do it. As a result, I gained about 60 pounds over the three years I have lived here. Fortunately, I have lost about 15 pounds in recent months, but I still need to lose at least 20 more. In my case, and I think in yours, it's a mental thing... just getting in the mindset to do something about the situation. I. like you, am struggling with this. All I need to do is start walking again and the weight will come off, but I am just so tired mentally and physically, it's hard to do it. I've been having to walk home from work recently due to our one-car situation. It's about a mile walk, so that is helping some. Maybe that will get me headed in the right direction. I know it's a hard thing to do.. and after the success you have had, it is so easy to want to rest and get away from the routine. But both of us have to face the fact this is a life-long struggle we face and we alone are the ones who have to decide how good the quality of that life is going to be. I wish you the best in getting back on track and hope that I can, too. Hopefully, the next time we see each other we both will be slimmer and trimmer. Hang in there, buddy.


Anonymous said...

I have hope in your journey! Kimberly Stone

Anonymous said...

your twitter feed isn't that bad. will merritt's and walt deptula's are another matter. you should let this guy go. he seems to have you down pretty good. maybe would give you some insight into how people are hearing you instead of what you think they're hearing!!!

Anonymous said...


I wish it were as easy to flip a switch in our minds and get on the right track. I called you about a year ago and told you of my weightloss battles. It was during that time that I had a situation that scared the whatever expletive you would like to insert out of me.
I am a relatively young guy and again have struggled with my weight most of my life. I wanted to try to fix things and did really well on my own for a while, but started to put some weight back on. Then it hit. I woke up at 3 am one morning to a feeling of immense pressure in my chest. The pain was excruciating. I did not know what was going on, but being the stubborn guy I am waited until 8 am to go see my family doctor. They diagnosed me with pericarditis which is inflammation around the heart and feels similar to a heart attack. (I was told) I had been slipping back into my old lifestyle and this wakeup call got me back on track. I hired a trainer and am almost at my goals now. I hope that you can take some encouragement from someone who can sympathize.