Saturday, July 18, 2009


My weigh-in on Wednesday showed that I've gained 18 pounds back in the last six months.

Time to get serious.


Anonymous said...

Past time to get serious! Wake up Dan!

Robert said...

Hang in there... This is a journey not a destination!

kimberly stone said...

Hey anonymouse - lay off dan. he can do what he wants. i have not seen anyone fall over sick or even dead from eating at a full service food bar. on the other hand i have seen people die from airplane flying, driving, even walking from one place to another. dan, you do whatever you want. unlike the others i just want you to have fun in this one life you get. you go for it and don't let these people tell you to "wake up". you are more awake than they will ever be!!! btw, i am listening to your broadcast this am and am recording it as i do most of the local talk radio on wccp so i can listen to something when there is national network talk on there. ks

John DeFendis said...

Kimberly Stone,
You are correct about one thing only...People don't die at the full service food bar. They die in the middle of the night from heart attacks and strokes due to being overweight. They die while playing with their children and grandchildren. They die while watching television and while on vacation.
One word: OBESITY.
While we at ULTRA FIT work hard everyday to save people's lives by helping them lose weight, lower blood pressure, sustain blood sugar levels and give their doctors the liberty to take their patients off of their medications...You post an absolutely absurd e-mail which I had a problem reading. While you make excuses for obesity, one of the biggest problems in our country...People die everyday from heart attacks and strokes, because of their weight.
Ask a person who has lost a loved one how life is without their father...or husband...or sister.
My mother had a heart attack when I was 10 years old and it was devastating to me. My wife's father died of a heart attack on the way to the hospital when she was 18 years old and she wishes that he was alive today so that she can teach him what she has learned with Ultra Fit and save his life.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
I do...because I see the reality of Obesity everyday.
I speak to people who have been through heart attacks and are now trying to save their lives by losing weight AFTER they were fortunate enough to barely survive their tragedy.
Many people aren't as fortunate.
The sad truth is that Vernon and I care about Dan.
We care about Dan enough to have spent the last year working with him and training him.
Because we want to save his life.
We want him to have a better quality of life.
Most importantly...we want him to lose the weight so that he can spend many more quality years with his family and eventually grandchildren.
I do believe that those years are more valuable than a few trips to the full service food bar and a shortened lifespan.
If you don't think so, then you need to see how valuable those years are by asking someone who lost a loved one to a heart attack or stroke before they reached 45 years old.
I know the value of those years.
I have personally witnessed the grief of people who lost loved ones from Obesity...and I work my butt off everyday to prevent them from having the same fate.
If you cannot support and encourage people to be healthier and live a better quality of life...Then at least let them get focused without encouraging them to live a shorter life.
Afterall, how are you going to feel if something happens to our friend Dan?
John DeFendis <-- a person who lives every second of his life to help others become healthier by being blessed by God with the ability and responsibility to do so.

Greg said...

John you couldn't be more right, and Kimberly, you couldn't be more wrong. Dan, THIS IS THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE!

I don't know you, but love listening to your show. I've never met John, but love his weekly segments. It seems to me that you've been given a tremendous opportunity to work with someone like him who can give you all the tools you need to succeed. The only thing you have to do is provide the commitment, and you're blowing it.

Every single time you stray from the program it's a selfish decision. Every time you make a decision to stick with the program it is a choice for the benefit of your wife, children, family and friends, (and avid listeners). Get with it Dan BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE! Not everyone gets a 2nd chance at leading a long and healthy life.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


Are you serious? Do you think that what you just wrote will help? I can only hope if you are a parent that you do not use the same negative talk to try and get postitive results.

Dan you know where the solution is and you have Vernon and John there to help... Maximize what you do have available. You can do it, you have proven that 100 pounds down that you can.... Get back in the drivers seat man..

Anonymous said...

It appears Dan has given up on his diet AND his blog. How sad since this is one of the ways to stay accountable, but i guess if there's no good news to share then dan won't be sharing any news at all! HOW SAD!! Don't give up giving us the scoop here Dan!! That would be SAD!

Mike said...


Diets always fail because the overwhelming majority of them are UNSUSTAINABLE and Ultra-Fit is no exception. You cannot eat like a robot for long--the human mind grows tired and cannot take such repetition and the sense of being unhuman because you have a weight problem.

I've lost 90 pounds over the last year and a half and NOT ONCE (NOT ONCE!!) did I eat "diet" food. I simply changed the habits that made me fat, replaced them with habits that promote health and normal weight, and in due time, my body has adjusted to a normal weight. I'm healthier than I have been in years and no "diet" got me there.

YOU CAN LOSE WEIGHT BY EATING THE FOODS AROUND YOU! IT IS ALL ABOUT CHANGING TOXIC HABITS AND REPLACING THEM WITH HEALTHY ONES! Eating less and becoming more active create energy deficits and boosts metabolic outputs leading to fat loss--simple as that--and I don't give a damn what Jon DeFendis has to say about that.

John DeFendis said...

To Whom It May Concern,
(This excludes Mike because he doesn't give a D#$m what I have to say):
You can call Ultra Fit a diet or you can call it what it is...
a highly successful world renown weight loss program that instills healthy eating habits and begins with a regimen of certain foods, meal intervals and concepts while combining those principles with an incredible workout program with a qualified Ultra Fit Personal Trainer.
I congratulate Mike for losing
90 pounds but he contradicts himself several times within his post. Mike states that he lost the weight without eating any "diet" foods but then says that he replaced toxic habits with healthy ones.
How can one define healthy habits VS. Diet habits?
The truth is this:
99.9% of Americans that are obese and overweight have struggled and do not have the answers or the ability to lose the weight.
Ultra Fit is a sound solid and proven program that has helped tens of thousands of people to lose weight, become healthier and live a better quality of life. It is not a spartan diet and it certainly is NOT unreasonable or unsustainable.
Afterall, our clients average a
20-35 pound weight loss in 6-7 weeks while eating incredible meals like:
Ultra Fit Chicken Cacciatore, Ultra Fit Beef Stew, Ultra Fit Waffles & Pancakes, Ultra Fit Pumpkin Pie, Ultra Fit Turkey Sausage, Ultra Fit Meatball Sandwiches and dozens of other outstanding tasty recipes!
I am very happy that Mike has been successful with his plan because he sounded very angry and resentful towards other programs. It is obvious that somewhere along the way, Mike was let down by someone who didn't care about him or his needs.
With Ultra Fit and a client's commitment to us, this does not happen, as I am working around the clock to insure that everyone of our clients achieve success with the program. My Ultra Fit team of Trainers and I care, and we give the support and guidance that one needs when they make the commitment.
One session with an Ultra Fit Trainer will allow anyone to see how much we care.
Have a Blessed & Powerful Day.
With Respect,
John DeFendis
* Fitness Hall of Fame 2007
* Life Coach
* Trainer of the Year - 9 Consecutive Years
* Trainer at the Congressional Gym,
Washington DC
* Mr. America

Anonymous said...

Mike I have a question, first have you maintained that weight loss? Or do you yo-yo up and down as the weeks pass? As for habits and diets... That is what Ultra Fit is. This is a lifestyle change to stop putting CRAP in our bodies. I agree John, how can you eat healthy and say it isn't dieting? Call it a diet if you want I call it a lifestyle change! I have tried every program out there, this is the ONLY program I have lost this much weight with, and stuck with! Dan, you know what you need to do your heart and body tells you eat right, eat Ultra Fit! Hey who knows you could hold an Ultra Fit cook off and try some new recipes, I know John has a ton! Good luck, I know you can do it and remember you are inspiring the rest of us!

JUST DO IT said...

You said it yourself TIME TO GET SERIOUS. You are in the "sports" field so "JUST DO IT". No more excuses. Just take control of the situation, don’t keep letting everything happen to you. You know the deal, you know what you need to do. Make your meals ahead of time. You can absolutely do this!!!!! You have to do it for you and you can! Also, me and my buddies love the segment you have of John on the show…….. when is it coming back?

Anonymous said...

When is John coming back to the show? It has been 2 or 3 weeks now and NO John! What is up with this? I know football season is upon us but so is the push for healthy living. BRING JOHN BACK!!!!! And get back on track yourself.

Jason said...

To Dan and anyone else going against him,

As an Ultra Fit Personal Trainer, I know that John DeFendis is only on this blog and on the radio because he cares. Now Dan, everyone can get on your blog and tell you what to do or what not to do. The fact of the matter is, this is your life and you are going to have to make the decision to change. Every one of us at the gym would do absolutely anything in our power to help you! Think of everything that you have accomplished by working with Vernon? Think of the gains in mobility, think of the changes it had on your every day life, and now think if you just keep going? The results just get better and better. We only want you to live the happiest and most fullfilled life possible. If we didn't then why would so many people be on here rooting for your success? This is your time to shine Dan! This is your opportunity to change your life for the better and for good! Seize the day! Please don't let this opportunity pass you by. You should know by now that there is no program that can give you results like Ultra Fit. You have an entire team of the top fitness experts in the nation on your side! Like I said, ultimately no one can make you come in the gym. I just hope you don't wait until it's too late to turn things around for you. Now is your chance to do something buddy! I assure you, if you just listen to John and Vernon, success will be yours...period! I've seen it time and time again.

Dan, lets do this! Lets make you a star! Lets change your life! Lets make you happier, healthier, and ensure that you have years and years to spend with the ones that you love. Don't worry about this set back. Just get back up and keep pushing. That is what seperates every day people from champions! You are never a failure until YOU have decided to give up.

With Care and Respect,
Jason Nutting
Ultra Fit Personal Trainer

Jason said...

Speaking of John being on the radio show because he cares...

Where has John been? There is a huge problem with obesity in this country not only in the adult population but in our adolescent population as well! Lets get this under control.

So many of us complain about how pourly our country is doing when we can't even take care of ourselves. Lets get him back on the air, doing what he does best, helping people.

Unknown said...

Hi Dan,
There is only one person who can do this for you and that is you. My Friend of 43 years tells me you need wncouragement well honey I have some for you...Most people say they have goals but very few
actually make specific plans to reach them.
Fewer still take the necessary steps to bring their plans to fruition.
Committing to your goal, means actively,
even desperately, trying to achieve it.
Is that what you are doing or are you with wishing
and passively hoping it will come true?
If it is truly your goal and you truly want to achieve it,
it must be so important to you that you are
motivated to do whatever it takes to achieve it.
And the only person who can provide your motivation is you. =]

You may need to know I need to hear John DeFendis on the radio every week that is my Encouragement...
Have a Wonderful Day!!!

Doreen from New York...

Unknown said...

Also Dan I've been eating the Ultra Fit Meals from the receipes John has given me and The food is Great, My son-in-law eats them and has lost 28 lbs. my daughter has lost 22 lbs and I have lost 18 lbs.
And they didn't even know they were eating Ultra Fit meals. I told them after a week. No one likes to Diet and work out but It is LIFE just like getting up and Breathing... Get back to where you belong we are all here to help you... We want to hear you on the radio for a long time so GET HEALTHY =] BE HEALTHY =] YOU WILL BE HAPPIER =]

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan!
Alright now, I still haven't heard a response to my cook out idea! And I still haven't heard John. Whats going on? We need him back on the radio he is what gets me through the week! I think you need to do some deep soul searching and ask yourself... are you going to take advice from people who you are not sure if their ideas work. Or are you going to get back on track with the program YOU KNOW works because YOU DID IT! I have lost 30 pounds and would love some more inspiration and support! I have so much coming from my trainer and John, I need some more from you though. Come into Longhorn Steakhouse in Greenville and I will get you what John eats when he comes in it is wonderful!!!
Virginia Cooper

Anonymous said...


What do you want? When do you want it? What are you willing to give up to get it?

John Defendis is the answer.

Unknown said...


I just want you to know that John and I are still here for you. When we first met we made a commitment to help you through good and bad times. There is not one thing that we can not accomplish if we have relentless pursuit when it comes to helping you reach your goals. The Ultra Fit team is still here to motivate, encourage and help you through difficult times. Please allow us to help you live a healthier and better quality of life.

Vernon Allen
Ultra Fit Personal Trainer

Anonymous said...

Where's John? Miss hearing him on your show the past couple of weeks! He had a lot of good things to say...the Ultra Fit diet is a winner! Dan, I miss seeing you at the gym. You were looking pretty good!

Ricky said...

I meet with a personal trainer at Coop's in Greenville on Monday. Listening to you when you started this some time ago is what got this thought in my head that is finally going to be put in action. You made all of this public for a reason so I say keep talking about it to help others (and maybe yourself) get motivate like me.

Unknown said...

We were made to enjoy music,to enjoy beautiful sunsets,to enjoy looking at the billows of the sea
and to be thrilled with a rose that is bedecked with dew… Human beings are actually created for the transcendent, for the sublime, for the beautiful, for the truthful...
and all of us are given the task of trying to make this world
a little more hospitable to these beautiful things.
Thank you for brining back someone who Helps make this World a more Beautiful Place Mr. Integrity John Defendis... Namaste ^j^