Monday, April 28, 2008

How Did I Get Here?

From time to time I have time to think. Usually when I'm on the road.

That's one of the reasons I enjoy driving, no matter the length of the trip. The quiet time alone gives me a chance to clear my mind, work through things, or just quietly contemplate one thing or another.

Recently, a lot of that time has been spent wondering how I allowed myself to get into such sad physical shape.

Laziness played a role in it. I won't deny that. It would be foolish to do so. There were times when it was easier, more comfortable, to do nothing. Just lie on the couch or sit in the recliner, watching TV and eating. Eating and watching TV.

That was a small part of it. Really, my whole lifestyle became one void of physical activity.

My job in the media world has usually required a lot of sitting. Either behind the computer, in the car traveling, or covering a game.

Laziness doesn't apply so much in my work life. I do work hard, take pride in what I do, and try to be the best I can. But whether it's as a sportswriter, a sportscaster or a talk show host, I allowed myself to become less and less mobile as the years rolled by.

Add to that odd, late hours and press box and/or fast food - which is sometimes all that's available - and you end up with the finished product I started with once I began this journey back in December.

What really hit home was when I sat down and thought about the fact that neither of my kids have ever known their dad to be anything but fat. And being that size has limited my ability to do things outdoors with them.

I love them, support them, attend all their events, but much more than 5 minutes of standing on my feet throwing a softball with my youngest and my back hurt so badly that I couldn't take it.

So, I had to sit down.

Now, hopefully, I've got things moving permanently in the right direction. Luckily, I still have time to spend with my kids and show them what ol' dad used to be back when he was an athlete. Or something similar, anyway.

There's still a long way to go. But hopefully now I'm finally on the right path.


Anonymous said...

i'm betting that you won't be where you are for long! You're doing a great job my friend. Go Yankees! MP

Anonymous said...

It's about life changes. A year ago I was eating anything I wanted. Huevos con Chorizo once a week. I had just found smoked bacon at Betty's in Helen. You name it with fat and cholesterol and I was eating it. Well the doctor got my attention last May threatening to put me on medicine. Time for life changes and I did. 11 months later, I don't mind it. I miss some things, but whatever, I'm not on pills.

You are doing this and you can do this. Keep it up.
