Saturday, December 22, 2007

A New Start For Me, A New Start For The Blog

It has been well over a month since I've posted anything here. As things got busier along the Clemson trail I admittedly slacked off where the blog was concerned.

But now I'm back, and trying to get this thing going again. I'm also trying to get something else going again - my mission to lose weight.

Most of you may have seen the post on TigerNet, or heard my radio show a couple of weeks back. I have had a couple of warning shots fired across my bow from a medical standpoint. Fortunately, nothing major has been found out of whack and what areas of concern there are will be remedied by dropping major pounds.

Easier said than done, to be sure. Goodness knows I've failed at a number of different attempts to take it off, but none of those had the weight (pun intended) behind it that this one does.

Not only do I have a couple of medical issues out there, but my dad has been diagnosed with more serious issues that are weight related. He, almost 60, is now trying to do the same thing I am. Only he's doing it out of reaction to bad news.

I'm doing it to try and stay out of his situation when I get his age (I'm 40).

Anyway, I've started a low carb-related diet plan. No potatoes, bread, pasta...basically anything white. Perhaps a piece of wheat bread once in a while, but that's it. Also, no sugar - which means cutting out candy and any other type of goody that might be available this holiday season.

The only sugars I'll get are natural, from fruit. And I'm limiting myself to no more than two diet sodas a day. Everything else is water. Tons of it. And maybe the occasional unsweetened tea with dinner if we eat out.

So far, so good. In the first five days I dropped nine pounds. At this point, I intend to weigh myself every Friday if possible - using the same industrial strength scale each time for consistency.

How much was my starting weight? I'll tell you that after I drop a few more pounds. But needless to say, when i joke about being "twice the man I used to be," it really isn't a joke.

My intention is to keep this blog updated on more of a regular basis, providing frequent updates on my weight, ups and downs of the process, and of course drop in my sports opinions as well.

It's good to be back. And while I hope you're seeing more of me here, I hope you'll be seeing less of me out there.

Know what I mean?


Unknown said...

Best of luck to you Dan! From a Clemson grad in Tampa that listens to you religiously on the internet! I think it's great what you're doing, and I know it's hard to do, especially with great places like Todaro's to eat at in Clemson! Best of luck! Have a great Christmas! Go Tigers! I'll email, as I usually do, during baseball season!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Dan hope you and yours have a merry christmas!

Dan Scott Show said...

Thanks much guys. The support has been overwhelming. I hope I live up to the expectations...LOL.

Jon said...

Congratulations on your choice to lose some weight Dan! I wanted to chime in and let you know that I really enjoy the show and that you aren't the only tiger who is changing their physique this year.

Also, I wanted to let you know about a few fitness websites that may interest you. - a web forum for low carb dieters, complete with recipes for foods, before/after photos of people who have completed the diets, and a general all around support group for low carb dieters. - a personal diary of a man who went from being obese to rock-star ripped. And more importantly, he has detailed accounts (Food logs, exercise journals) of how he did it, along with day by day pictures for over 400 days. The site also houses what I consider to be the foremost forum for people wishing to change their physique.

I hope these links help you in your quest to become a leaner, healthier individual! Look forward to hearing the show!

mark said...

Hang with it Dan! The low carb approach worked great for me and I still stay on a scaled down version of it and enjoy food quite a bit. Enjoy having you involved with Clemson and feel like I have got to know you pretty well even though we've only met a couple of times. Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Dan - to you and your family! Thanks for the great show and the great stuff you do for people on need in the Upstate. Good luck with the weight loss. Keep us updated on how it goes (accountability :) )

Anonymous said...

I truly enjoy your show and your (mostly) unbiased opinions. But this comment has nothing to do with that. Well over a year ago I was diagnosed as being a type 2 diabetic. The levels weren't sky high... but enough to put me on meds. Like you, I got serious about it. Low carb diet, exercise, and 40 lbs lighter I was able to drop the meds after three months. Continuing the good behavior, over a year later I still don't have to take them. The upshot is... I feel better, the doc is happy, and so am I. You can do it too, Dan. Hang in there as the benefits are amazing.

Anonymous said...

Good luck Dan! We all enjoy you very much on the air and during the Clemson baseball broadcasts. Have a great Holiday Season.


Anonymous said...

Stick with it Dan. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Your family will be the beneficiary of your current program. Remember, we only live once.