Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Learning Curve Continues

Nearly 13 weeks into this process and I continue to learn things about myself.

Weigh-in day is tomorrow. The last two days I've gone over to Clemson to weigh anyway, because I wanted to get a closer look at how things are working and/or fluctuating on a daily basis. It appears I'm going to have a good week when the official weigh-in comes, but beyond that I've picked up some valuable information.

The biggest thing I've figured out is that I'm apparently a bigger danger to myself at home than when I'm on the road.

I never would have considered that, and to be honest I haven't spent much time thinking about it. At least until this weekend, when we spent three days and two nights in Winston-Salem for Clemson baseball.

What I discovered was part obvious, part subtle.

The obvious is simple: If I'm working I'm not thinking about eating. At least not as much. Long days at the ballpark, doing things to keep my mind occupied, means the hunger factor - real or artificial - isn't nearly as overwhelming.

But the thing that really hit home yesterday (Monday) was, well, home.

When I'm there, I can almost hear the fridge calling my name. Or my stash of sugar free snacks will beckon. Yeah, they're sugar free, but they're not calorie free. And I'll justify maybe dipping into them more than I should because they contain no sugar, while conveniently ignoring the calorie factor.

What I saw today justified that notion. My pre-weigh-in weigh-in Tuesday was one pound heavier than it was Monday. And while both readings would represent a good week, it still served as an eye-opener for me.

Maybe I'm a slow learner. I don't know.

I guess the bigger tragedy would be not learning at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

only rednecks stop learning...the good news is you aren't a redneck.