Monday, April 14, 2008

Birth Of A Notion

Today is Monday, April 14.

Forty-one years ago today, the Good Lord saw fit to allow my mother to give birth to a healthy child. A boy, who would grow up into the Round Mound of Radio Sound which blogs before you today.

Haven't blogged since last weigh-in day. I've been pretty disgusted about yet another week of gaining weight.

It's funny. I'm not a person who exhibits much emotion. Never have been. I'm not a person to blame others for my faults. McDonalds isn't to blame for me being fat. I'm to blame. And when I see people on these talk shows, sniffing and snotting about how their life has been ruined because someone made the coffee too hot, I can't help but think of The Eagles' song "Get Over It:"

"I'd like to find your inner child and kick its little ass."

However, I will concede that an experience like I'm going through now is an emotional rollercoaster.

It's amazing how good I feel when the scales reveal positive results. It's equally as amazing how my day, and sometimes my week, is ruined when I find out I've gained a couple of pounds.

Not that I'm ready to go crying to Oprah. Hardly.

In my world, when you're faced with adversity you pick yourself up off the floor, dust off, and keep working and trying to move forward.

And that's what I've done. The pre-weigh-in look at the scales this morning indicates I'm back on the positive side of the ledger again. So we'll see.

Sometimes I think my life would make a great reality show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thoughts for the name of the reality show on a postcard please........

my early suggestions:



'We're going to need bigger scales in here!!'


'Salad Days'

All the best Dan from your supporters the other side of the pond!! we know you can do it.

John H
English Correspondent