Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Truth Hurts

Well, hit the scales this morning. The results weren't pretty.

Weighed in at 381 pounds. That means since Christmas I've put on 14 pounds, which shows you just how quickly everything can go to hell in a handbasket. What's that, seven weeks or so?

Scary. And this is after dropping 2-3 pounds since Monday morning.

Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it except get back on the stick. Which I have been for the last two days.

So 381 will be the starting point for our second go-round. My short-term goal this week is to get 4-5 pounds off and get back above the 100-pound lost mark.

I'll begin with a new scorecard next week.


Anonymous said...

There are always ups and downs in everything we do, Dan. Nobody becomes overweight overnight and nobody returns to a normal weight overnight. It's a long and hard process and you've made absolutely tremendous progress. Stay on the road and eventually you will reach your destination.

Thomas Lawrence said...

Keep it up Dan! You'll burn tons of calories in the next month or two calling the homers leaving DKS...hopefully off Tiger's bats.

Anonymous said...

there are a lot of people counting on you!