Thursday, May 22, 2008

Catch A Wave

I did not, as the headline on this entry may suggest, venture into the world of surfing today.

Can you imagine me, at this size, on a surfboard? I'd look like Mr. Kool Aid on a single ski. But I digress.

What I did do this afternoon was take a nice walk along the beach. About 25 minutes at a brisk (for me) pace. Probably could have done more, but a few of my joints were beginning to bark just a bit. So I figure, a little at a time.

The encouraging thing was twofold:

1) I could walk that far and not require an oxygen tent when I returned:

2) No back pain.

Before I lost the weight that's gone already, the pain in my kidney areas was pretty strong if I was on my feet more than about five minutes. But after running an ocean of water through them in the last five-plus months, plus dropping the 50-plus pounds, I don't have that problem anymore.

Who knows? Maybe this time next year I'll feel totally human again.

(Note: Yes, I know this is a lot to read stemming from just one afternoon walk. However, you asked for more blogging, and I'm trying to build on the positives here. Slow and small as they may be.)


Anonymous said...

No doubt that you will love life even more with more weight loss!

Anonymous said...

Little and often is the best way, and what better way to exercise that a walk on the beach. Keep it up Dan - you are doing great! J and J

Anonymous said...

Inspirational! Truly Inspirational! Keep up the great blog. I just stumbled upon this blog and backtracked the entries and I have to say it's truly inspirational!

Anonymous said...

what's next? jogging with tommy bowden? wait! wouldn't that be a great goal? to be able to keep up with that guy? in fact, i'm willing to predict that will happen within two years. YOU CAN DO IT!

Anonymous said...

Run, Dan, Run! You can do it. I can picture you running up the steps on Philly just like Rocky one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!