Sunday, May 18, 2008

More Blogging?

There have been, in recent days, a few requests for more blogging. A couple are in the "comment" section of recent entries.

I tend to over analyze myself. I go back and read and think, "Well, that sounded stupid." Or, "Jeez, quit with the whining already."

This is going to be hard to believe, but I'm being as honest as I can. In 22 years in the business - be it newspaper or radio - I still have a hard time believing that people really care what I have to say. It's a fascinating thing to me, and always has been.

Obviously, in my line of work I have to say a lot (some of it maybe even semi-intelligent...LOL). And yeah, sometimes when I get fired up on some topic on the show I'm sure there's an entertainment factor - or an infuriation factor, depending on which side you're on.

But at the end of the day, there's still that "gee-whiz" factor. I still get a kick out of what I do, and can't believe that people actually make my show - or blog - a part of their regular daily schedule.

So, besides being busy and using that as an excuse, I think that maybe folks are getting bored reading the blog. Or that with all the problems we have in the world today, my personal battles are really insignificant.

But then I see the comments on other entries, or read the emails I've received. So maybe I should write more.

I'll just try to make sure it's relevant.

But as I've said before, just as some of you say I'm inspirational in some way in your lives, you are equally as such in mine. Please keep the comments and emails coming.

Speaking of relevant, had a little slip-up today.

I was invited to a cookout at a friend's house down here, which turned out to be part of a birthday party. And I ate a small piece of cake.

No ice cream, for what that's worth.

I'll have to think back, but it may be the first real sugar I've had since I started this thing.

The guilt was unbelievable. But the cake was delicious.

We'll see what the effects are in about 10 days.


Anonymous said...

You said: "It's got to be a permanent change in my life." Now you've GOT it! That's the only way to win this thing. Congrats!

How's the exercise coming?


Anonymous said...

your comentery is spot on! i live all the way around the world in australia, but i'm from clemson originally and stumbled across your blog when i was searching google for ways to lose weight. what a great blog, mate!

Dan Scott Show said...

Hey Aussie,

Shoot me an email, or your email address.