Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tournament Tidbits

The ACC Tournament started today. Clemson lost to Miami, 7-1.

One thing about these postseason venues. Besides the press meals, they always put out an endless supply of snacks - M&Ms, trail mix, Craker Jacks, chips, soda, etc.

I avoided all of that today, plus stayed away from the Chick-Fil-A brownie for dessert. Just had some nuggets and a salad there for lunch. So a small victory there. Breakfast and dinner went okay, too. Today hasn't been bad at all.

The toughest part is when I'm not busy. Like now, sitting in the hotel room watching TV. My reflex is to snack, drink, snack, drink, eat, snack...etc. It's tough not to do so. When I'm occupied, I've not been thinking about eating hardly at all.

That in and of itself is progress.

However, to be honest, I have no idea how my weigh-in is going to go a week from today. If I break even, it'll be a victory considering everything.

Meantime, starting tomorrow there will be some walks on the beach. A relaxing way to get a little exercise.

I have stayed away from the beach in recent years because of how I've looked. But now I say hell with it. If I look that much like a beached whale, they can try rolling me back in the water.

Wouldn't that make for good television?

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