Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Consistently Inconsistent

The scales at Clemson are fixed. I wish they were still broken.

Hit them this morning, and somehow over the past three weeks I've gained back about four pounds or so. Needless to say, I'm not going to get to that 32 pounds by my birthday in two weeks.

But, the only thing to do is to pick myself up and get back after it. As I wrote yesterday, I've got a week's worth of good food prepared, so there's really no excuse moving forward.

For the record I sit at 377 as of this morning, my total pounds lost in 15 months sitting now at 102. Since I peaked out at 112 in December, it's been a constant struggle to maintain the motivation.

But I refuse to give up, even though the thought crosses my mind every single day. I simply can't.

There's too much at stake.


Anonymous said...

please don't get de movitivated. work hard every day. you will see the results. defendis is working hard for you. vernon is working hard for you. you need to return the favor. lthey're sure has hell working hard for you. return the favor. RETURN THE FAVOR. let that be your motto starting tomorrow morning. btw, the clemson baseball broadcasts aren't the same without you. they are quite deplorable without you infact. the two that are on there think they are funny but they are not. they think they know things about the team but they don't. the are too arrogant to step aside and let you do the broadcasts which is sad. just sad.

Marc said...

It's a process, Dan. A process. You didn't become this way over the course of a couple years, and it all won't go away over the course of a couple of years. Stick with it.

That's all you can do and it's all you have to do.