Monday, September 15, 2008

Headed In The Right Direction

Just got back from my workout with Vernon at the gym.

Today was a bit more difficult because we worked chest, shoulders and triceps. And as I intimated in a previous post, upper body strength is not my strong suit. Except for my right arm.

I should be somewhat embarrassed about my lack of strength, but then what do I expect? When you do your curls 12 ounces at a time, as I did for a long time, or do the fork lift too often you're going to end up a little weak. Throw in an almost fanatical lack of exercise, and you have the finished product I was displaying until last December.

But things are looking up. The food plan is working, though the adjustment has been a bit difficult. Still, I took a cursory look at the scales this morning for the first time in almost two weeks and the results were fairly startling.

I'll save the numbers for Wednesday, but it would appear I'm off to a running start.

Just gotta keep moving forward. One day, one meal, one session at a time.

That's what I keep telling myself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vernon has expressed to me that you are doing well and also informed me of your weight loss.
Great job Dan!
You are correct...You are off to a running start and you will continue to see incredible progress as you have shown your discipline over the past 9 months and we are confident that you will continue bringing out
"THE CHAMPION" that you have inside you!
We truly look forward to your transformation and your new look in the coming months. We also embrace the opportunity to improve your health, your quality of life and increase your years to enjoy with your family.
This is it Dan!
You're THE MAN...
You have THE PLAN...
You have the TEAM...
God bless Dan!
With great respect and admiration,
Mr. USA John DeFendis