Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Little Help From A Friend?

Hadn't intended on posting so infrequently this week.

But the schedule changes due to the fear of bad weather kind of threw everything into a frenzy. Plus my brother and his wife are in town.

And my youngest daughter broke her ankle earlier today at fall softball practice. Got called out of the press box at Clemson for that one. Nothing like spending a college football Saturday in the emergency room.

Thankfully she's okay, and remains in pretty good spirits.

Anyway, I mentioned in a previous post or two that I may have some help on the way. Well, Monday afternoon I meet with a professional trainer to see what we can come up with.

If all goes well, I'll be hitting the gym soon.

God help me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Dan, You can do this!!! I talked to you at the Baseball Picnic about my struggles with weight. I've been over 200 lb twice (5'2"). YOYOed all my life. I've been 140 for 2 years now. I had to totally change the way I eat. I learned that if I go back to the way I WANT to eat, I'll be right back there. It took me 58 years to figure it out. I told my hubby (when we met 23 yrs. ago) that I would rather eat that anything!!! It's always been our joke. YOU CAN DO THIS!!! Is it ever going to be easy? NOOOOOO!!! You have made wonderful progress.Do this for YOURSELF! Keep going. I new season of Biggest Losers starts this week. I love to watch it. Very inspirational. See you soon.