Friday, March 13, 2009

Catching Up

Talked to Vernon about the last week, and told him that despite the trouble last Saturday I still was showing almost a two-pound loss Tuesday morning.

Did fine with the diet during the day Tuesday. But did drink quite a bit of water late (had a ballgame on the radio...gotta keep the pipes lubricated).

He figured it was probably temporary water retention, something that seemed to make sense once I hopped on the scales Thursday morning for a quick look. So no real frustration here. Just trying to keep everything between the white lines.

Another big challenge coming up next weekend, though. Clemson baseball travels to Tallahassee for a series with Florida State, so I'll be eating on the road for three days.

Preparation is the key. I'll be doing a lot of pre-cooking before we leave next Friday morning.

Anyway, the belated update is below. Thanks for continuing to check in. The support means more than any of you know.

The Scoreboard:

Week 1 - Lost 5
Week 2 - Lost 4
Week 3 - Lost 0


Anonymous said...

The men who build the future are those who know that greater things are yet to come,and that they themselves,
will help bring them about.

Their minds are illuminated by
the Fire that is their dreams and goals!

Their body is driven each day by the Relentless Pursuit of those goals.

They are always visualizing the excitement they will have
when they feel them in their grasp
and taste them in their Victory of achieving them.

They NEVER stop to doubt or make excuses...
They haven't time.

Stay focused and know that you have a team of people who care about you.
We are here to guide you, motivate you and hold you accountable to your goals.

So...let's continue the journey.
Let's solidify a healthy future for you so you can enjoy years of great happiness with your family and your girls.
Let's have you in great shape for the Baseball camp next year so you can realize your dream to do something that will be fun, exciting and fantastic...
and to do it in the best shape of your life!
Make this year, your year Dan.
And make us proud!
With Respect,
John DeFendis

Anonymous said...


James Crooks said...

Way to go Dan! I'm proud of you. You're doing what you need to do, and my hat's off to you.