Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Long, Long Night

Catching up on things this morning after a long night at Doug Kingsmore Stadium.

Ended up playing a doubleheader because of rain forecast today (and it is raining), so I didn't get home until after 1 a.m.

Finished up the chicken nuggets last night (and no, they're not McDonald's. They're an Ultra Fit recipe).

Did have one quick detour off the straight and narrow, but it was out of necessity. As you know, my wife and I are opening a restaurant and we are toying with the menu possibilities. She brought me a BBQ sandwich we're contemplating serving for me to try, so I did eat that last night as well.

Not on the diet, but chalk it up to research. Flimsy excuse, I know.

Anyway, the scales at Clemson are still on the blink. Hoping I can weigh in tomorrow morning. I feel like I've had two good weeks, but haven't been able to get tangible proof of the results.

But the workouts continue on a regular basis, and I continue to strive for the perfect week on the diet.

To that end, today began with two Ultra Fit style chicken fajitas for breakfast.

Will update the menu as we go forward throughout the afternoon and evening.


Anonymous said...

When was the last time they let you have a cold one, Dan?

Anonymous said...

A big old chicken truck pulled out in front of me at the dam Monday on the way to the airport. Now I know where that thing was going!

You are a trooper!


Thomas Lawrence said...

If you need a sandwich taster I volunteer.

Wouldn't want you to fall too far off the wagon too far. ;)

Thomas Lawrence said...

Too many too fars there. LOL

Steve Terrell said...

doggone! i mean doggone! how much do you want this to just lay off the BBQ???? this isn't life or death? why not???

Anonymous said...

i'm glad to hear you weren't eating the McNuggets!!!!

Anonymous said...

are you still trying to recover from the long night??? we're waiting paitently for an update here!!! kimberly stone