Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Weigh-In Day

Checked in with the scales today. I'm exactly where I was last week. The weekend killed me. Will update with more details later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan, even with the mistakes you made, you still were even for the week. That shows me you were committed on the other days of the week. If you maintain that commitment level for seven days, you will be unstoppable!

As for the mistakes, you have acknowledged them, you have learned from them, now it's time to forget them. Don't dwell on the mistakes, focus on the positives and the weight is going to come off.

As someone who lost a lot of weight (and kept it off for two and a half years now) I know you are going to make it. Your story is likely inspiring others to make the same decisions in their lives. Keep up the good work.