Monday, February 4, 2008

Paging Dr. Freud!

The psychology of this whole weight loss process continues to amaze me, and yet I continue to learn more and more.

After feeling as low as I've felt in a long time (see back a couple of posts), things are back on more of an even keel as I wage war on my waistline. Up and down. Down and up. I suppose it's going to be like this for a long while.

But what was most interesting was the visit from my parents this weekend.

Getting together with them is always fun, especially since I don't get to see them but a few times each year. And the routine in the past has always included huge dinners - mostly eating out when we're down here, usually a big home-cooked meal from mom when we travel to West Virginia.

So when they came down this weekend, dad and I spent Saturday together while the women shopped (for more than 10 hours, mind you). And while we were out, being together was almost an excuse to over eat.

I, at least, tried to stay within the confines of my diet. But I'm sure I ate too much. Dad, on the other hand, cheated more than a few times. And laughed about it.

Remember, he's the one with the more serious health issues.

That mindset has to change. On both our parts.

As for this week's weigh-in, I'm going to guess that I've overdone it and haven't lost anything. If so, that will be two weeks in a row, and I'm not getting anywhere that way.

We'll see. But somehow, someway, I've got to toughen up.

Enough is enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Run, Dan, Ruuuuun!