Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Slow Going

Today was weigh-in day.

Lost a grand total of one pound.

Of course, that's better than zero. Or gaining weight. Felt pretty good about it the last couple of days, though. Thought I'd put up a bigger number.

Time to look at my routine and see if there's a shakeup needed.

Anyway, on to the scorecard:

Week One - Lost 9
Week Two - Lost 3
Week Three - Lost 3
Week Four - Lost 0
Week Five - Lost 9
Week Six - Lost 5
Week Seven - GAINED 2
Week Eight - Lost 0
Week Nine - Lost 5
Week 10 - Lost 1


Anonymous said...

Shake-up = exercise. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

keep it up Dan!
you've changed your lifestyle, now it's just TIME that will get you to where you want to go.

Anonymous said...

this is great news! keep on truckin'

Anonymous said...

Hey Dan - you know if you want some exercise you could always go cut our grass at the old homestead - LOL - keep it up good buddy, you are going GREAT! - J & J

Anonymous said...

cutting grass is actually a great way to lose weight! i did it and lost a lot of weight (not riding, pushing)

Anonymous said...

when does the exercise program kick in on a diet like this?

Anonymous said...

slow and steady is the way...those quick diets never keep the weight off. anyone that promises a quick fix is a liar. just keep going and you'll be there before you know it. it's not easy to answer questions to those that know you're on a diet about how long it'll take you to lose the weight you want. you just don't know. just ignore those that want to insinuate that things aren't going fast enough. they aren't in your shoes and can't stand in judgment of anything you're doing. you just stay the course and you'll make it.