Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well, I can almost guarantee that the next weigh-in will be a small step backward.

With the family in town and the celebration of my daughter's high school graduation, I allowed myself to enjoy some things I hadn't in a while. Cake and ice cream, potato chips, etc.

But no lamenting the decision. No beating myself up for doing it. Just a matter-of-fact approach to getting back on the straight and narrow.

I've been told by people that it's okay to have such moments every once in a while. The problem for me, however, is that those "moments" too often turn into hours. Or even days. So I've honestly tried to stay away from them through this process, and for the most part I've been successful.

This weekend? Not so much. But it's really no big deal.

Yeah, I'll be pissed off when the scales show I've put on a few pounds. But I'm beginning to realize I'm more in control of this thing that I thought I was. Not in total control, mind you. But getting a little stronger every day.

And I suppose that's half the battle.

By the way, if you ever wanted to see a big, tough, sports talk show host cry, you should have been in Littlejohn Coliseum Friday afternoon for Samantha's graduation.

I was doing pretty well until the chorus - of which Sam is a member - sang "I Will Remember You."

Then ol' dad lost it, thinking back on her and how she's grown over the past 18 years.

In fact, it's happening again as I write this.

Time for me to go.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WOW! JUST WOW! you have to not hold back the tears. let them flow! thanks for the advice earlier. i'll check out some low carb solutions. i've read that sometimes you can get a heart attack with the low carb things since the miami beach doctor died from a heart attack. i didn't want to die of a heart attack. kat

Anonymous said...

TOMORROW is weight in day. good luck. you're the MAN!