Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Weigh-In Delay?

Today is weigh-in day, but I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get over to Clemson to hop on the scales.

Because of Mickey's attention being on his stepson, I'm doing both his show and mine. So, my timing is off. Can't get over there early, which I normally do. Before I've had anything to eat or drink.

Having already had breakfast this morning (low carb bowl from Hardee's), and the water I'll drink between now and 1 p.m., I won't get a true reading. At least I don't think I will.

Anyway, we'll see what happens. But if I don't get the results this week, we'll be back on track next Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Eaglerly awaiting the weigh-in! I know you're going to greatly "under achieve" so to speak! You're the best big guy! Kate

Anonymous said...

I caught your show this morning and have a request for photos of you from 20 years ago! I think that would be interesting! How about it! BTW, great show in the morning. Long time listener, never a caller. Jerry Teachie (Clemson '87)

Anonymous said...

congrats on your accomplishments!

Anonymous said...

whatever you do, you know you've done something already which is more than most can say! most sit around thinking what it would be like to do something and then don't do it and are alternatively angry at those that actually do something. you aren't like that person. you actually said you were going to do something and then you went out and did it. you'd be surprised at the number of people that are mad at people like you that have accomplished something that you said you were going to do!!!! let them be MAD! (that sounds like a t-shirt to me) kat ridgeview (i stumbled on your blog when i was looking for ways to lose weight. what has been your secret? I am currently at 513 lbs and have as my goal to lose 150 pounds in the next year. do you think I can do it?)

Dan Scott Show said...


First thing I would say to you is forget about what other people think. I had to do it, and I know it's not easy. But ultimately the only person you have to answer to - and for - on this earth is you.

I've been doing the low-carb deal. Have cut out sugar. Drinking a ton of water. And slowly trying to force myself to exercise more. Walking, mostly.

I think you can do anything you set your mind to. But honestly, don't set such a goal. Set a small goal. Reach it, then set another small one. And so on.

I finally realized it took me 22 years to build this body. It ain't coming off in a month.

Scroll back to December. That's when I started. It will give you a better idea of what I've gone through.

And Kat, I'm not done yet. Long, long way from it, as my next post is about to touch on.

Good luck, and stay in touch.