Saturday, September 13, 2008

One Day Down

Had my first full workout with Vernon, my personal trainer, on Friday.

It went surprisingly well. Although, as I write this (Saturday, almost noon, from the football press box at Clemson) I know I'll be very sore tomorrow. The second day is always the worst.

I say it went well. I haven't really decided if I did okay or if Vernon is waiting a few days before he tries to kill me.

I suppose we'll know soon enough. All I know is that on Wednesday he put me through a quick 20-minute workout to gauge my strength (or lack of it) so he would know how much weight to start off with on each exercise.

Yesterday, my shoulder joints were so sore I could barely lift my arms. But I did.

Vernon also has discovered an interesting phenomenon that I knew would be an issue. What strength I do have is very right-handed.

Comes from never lifting any kind of weights, and at the same time all those years of playing and coaching baseball. My right arm is more developed - such as it is - than my left arm. So when I'm lifting weights during these drills, I have to make a conscience effort to keep my left arm from lagging behind.

Vernon says it won't take long for it to catch up. Vernon is a big man. I believe what he says.

My regular workout schedule is an hour three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

With just a shade more than three months left before I reach the year mark in this effort of mine, it will be interesting to see:

1. - How faithful I can stay to this deal. And,

2 - How successful it will be.

As always, stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I think this is an excellent move. The low carb things is good for quick loss but I've seen people put the weight right back on when they go off it. The low fat deal is beter for you and trust me, if you stick to it you will lose weight and be much healthier. That and the exercise routine is a great transition. Stay with it!


Anonymous said...

if you want it bad enough you can do it!!!!