Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Big Day Today

Big news today, and I'm talking about besides the Tommy Bowden resignation/firing which had us all in a tizzy for the last 36 hours or so.

Mr. USA John DeFendis and my trainer, Vernon, were in studio today to talk about the fitness/food program I'm on called Ultra Fit. We spent almost a half-hour talking about what they do, how they do it and why they do it.

It was a great deal of information, and more is coming. John is going to do a regular segment with me every Tuesday at 11:45 a.m. from now on regarding health and fitness. You can hear it online at www.wccpfm.com.

And more good news. For those of you in the Anderson/Greenville area or within reasonable driving range, here's a chance for you to get some free gym time and exposure to what Ultra Fit has to offer.

John has given me:

- A one-year gym membership
- A six-month membership
- Three three-month memberships
- And several one-time free sessions with a personal trainer.

If you want to try and get one of those - and you should - then sit down and email me your story. What challenges are you facing from a weight/fitness standpoint? Where have you been? Where do you want to go?

Tell me about it, and then John, Vernon and I will be picking the winners.

Get it to my be Friday of this week (Oct. 17), and we'll notify the winners early next week.

My email address is dan@wccpfm.com. And please, email your stories rather than leave them in the comment section of the blog.

Thanks, and tomorrow is weigh-in day. Here's hoping for a strong finish to the week.

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