Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday Morning Musings

Just a few thoughts this morning before heading off to church.

More and more people are telling me they are seeing a big difference in my appearance. I still have a hard time seeing it physically, but I have noticed it in other ways. Shirts that were tight are now loose. My belt has tightened several notches.

And the other morning when I put on a jacket I hadn't worn since last fall, it came down about three inches below my belt line. Previously, it didn't quite reach my belt line.

So it's those little things that I see.

And those things, along with the comments I'm getting from those who are noticing the change, is another form of the motivation I wrote about last entry.
One other note. Next week John DeFendis will be on my show to begin a regular segment on health and fitness.

John is, as I've told you before, the 1988 Mr. America and the man who designed the program - Ultra Fit - that I began about a month ago. And it's on this program that my progress has accelerated at a fantastic pace.

I'll post the date/time when we get it nailed down.

But for those of you who have been asking about the program, the man with all the answers is coming to Cruise Control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, I would like to commend you on your strength, fortitude and commitment to the Ultra Fit program, as we are proud of you!
Secondly, I would like to say that I am honored to have the opportunity to be a guest on your radio show and help others live healthier lives and a better quality of life with their families by sharing the knowledge that I have been blessed with.
I would like to Thank You for the invitation and the chance to share some great weight loss and fitness tips with your listeners.
Stay focused and God Bless.
Johnny DeFendis