Tuesday, July 8, 2008

One Down

Made it through Kings Island yesterday without much difficulty.

Sore legs and feet. But no problems walking around, no gasping for air, no back pain. A world of difference from almost exactly one year ago.

It points out the obvious to me. If I'm doing this well after losing roughly 60 pounds, how well will I be after another 60?

It comes down to mindset, and something I catch myself doing too often. When I have success, have a good week, my first reaction is "Celebrate. I can relax for a while now."

Instead I should be kicking myself in the ass to do better. To do more. To work harder.

More than six months in, and that's still an issue. I suppose I thought it would get better a bit more quickly.

Chalk up another lesson learned.

Anyway, today is a travel day. Heading to Sandusky, Ohio, where tomorrow we take in Cedar Point. By the time this trip is over, my kids and nephew will have had their fill of roller coasters.

At least for a little while.


Anonymous said...

60lbs is significant and I'm glad you are realizing the benefits of being lighter. Good motivation to keep up the fight!

Anonymous said...

don't temp me with the "kick in the ass" comment! you've got to get yourself into gear!! whatever it takes, right? you need to constantly remind yourself what your life will be like once you lose weight!!! oh what a satisfaction you will have once you weight in at 180 lbs! ks

Anonymous said...

i'll bet you wish kimberly was there! NOT!