Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Instincts vs. Hope

I tried to avoid updating the blog all day today, but there's no use putting it off any longer.

We we last left you, I had weighed on my backup scales a day late last week. They showed I had lost seven pounds.

My instincts were that something wasn't right. Even though I knew the difference between those scales and the ones at Clemson, I was still startled by the seven pound drop it showed. However, seeing as how I had been using those scales throughout this entire process for tune-ups and check-ins, I decided to roll with what it said and wrote about the second best week I've had since I started this adventure.

Turns out, I should have followed my instincts and remained skeptical.

I went back to the backup scales Sunday morning and, much to my chagrin, they were out of order. My first impulse had been right. Something was wrong with them.

Clemson's training room reopened this morning. I went and weighed, and I was pretty much where I had been two weeks ago.

Bottom line, I don't know what the scale is going to show tomorrow. I thought that all the exercise in the pool was paying off, but apparently not. Apparently, I've hit a plateau or I'm eating too much or something.

I've got to step back and take a close look at my routine. I've got to get myself back in a solid mental frame of mind.

Because I promise you, this is as low as I've been in a long, long time.

Even though I was reacting to last week's numbers based on six months of experience, I should know by now that my instincts are usually dead on. I should have listened, and acted with some measure of caution.

Instead, I allowed myself to get giddy. And now it's come back to bite me in the ass.

Vacation, which begins after my show on Thursday, couldn't possibly come at a better time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

if you want something you've got to stay focused! good grief, you've got to get with it and kick everyone out of the pity party and get to work! there's no time for this if you want to lose weight. either this is a hobby or it's a passion for you. this weekend will determine which. develop sound habits and you don't have to worry about this. if you lose weight, fine. if you don't, that's ok too. but you're asking your body to do some things that take time. hew longtime listener, first time blogger!