Monday, December 22, 2008

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

I know it's been a while since I've updated, but like many of you I've been doing the Christmas shopping thing.

Thankfully, it appears we're done.

I've also been working hard to get back into the swing of things on the diet, and so far so good. Checked the scales this morning for a post-weekend look-in and I was down a couple of pounds.

So, if form holds, I'll start Year Two on a positive step and - hopefully - start another long streak of consecutive weeks with a loss. Can't think too far down the road, though. Gotta keep reminding myself it's one meal at a time, one day at a time.

Easier said that done, sometimes. But I've gotten through a full year trying to operate that way. And while there have been stumbles, the entire body of work has been successful.

So far.

A year. It's still hard to fathom that I've made it this far.

And while I don't plan to get all weepy or sentimental, it's still somewhat emotional looking back over the previous 52 weeks.

When I started, my biggest fear was failure. And it still is. But now I've got a year's worth of experience to fall back on, and a plan I'm following - Ultra Fit - that has made me feel better than I have in years.

I think back to the small victories, such as walking pain-free around Six Flags, Kings Island and Cedar Point.

I reflect on the stumbles, and how mentally challenging each of them were.

I think of Anthony...Every single day.

It's been a whirlwind 52 weeks. And I know I'm not even halfway there yet.

But if I've learned anything to this point, it's simply that I have the power. The control. I'm the one who decides if I succeed. I'm the one who decides if I fail.

It remains a constant battle. Day after day after day.

The support I get from those of you who take time to post responses or drop emails is invaluable. Please, please keep them coming.

And hang on.

Year Two promises to be crazier than Year One.


Anonymous said...

Photos. We need photos. I know you can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

Check here for photos:

The "couch burning" is a before. The turkey fry and the pic under the scoreboard are after.

Finally a pic of that "shelter" Tom and Dan built. That's a sad looking shelter.


Anonymous said...

In response to your message yesterday, I wanted to share this quote with you and the others...

"Success and failure.
We think of them as opposites, but they're really not.
They're companions - the hero and the sidekick.
In order to attain Success,
we often times must taste failure."

In order to be Successful...
You have to overcome your minor failures
and keep moving forward.
You might stumble but staying down is not an option when you have people who believe in you and are here to help you get up.
You might have failed in the past with a specific fitness goal.
But the key is to learn more, utilize Ultra Fit,
lean on us and allow us to take you to your goal this time.
Don't put it all on You.
Know that you have a team and call us or stay close. By doing so YOU will succeed.
Very few people do it alone.
I didn't win the USA Championships alone...
I had a team also.
I always made that phone call when I needed support...and my trainer
(also a Mr. America) was always there to grab me by the shoulders and shake me into staying on track!
We are here for you!
Together, we will achieve Success!
Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in attaining your goals.
I am honored and excited about your results and about your future successes!
Stay blessed and have a powerful day!

Your Ultra Fit Personal Trainers,
Mr. USA John DeFendis
& Fitness Expert Vernon Allen

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Dan! Hope you've recovered from our outing last night.

Unknown said...

Hi Dan, It was great meeting Angela and Becky yesterday. The outpouring from this community was a wonderful thing to see. Your family did a wonderful thing.
Try not to think of your journey as a diet!! You are changing your life for the better by just changing what you choose to put in your mouth.
WHEN you reach your goal, it will still be a daily struggle of choices. I've tried to learn that I will feel better at the end of each day if I make the right ones. It only took me 58 years of yoyoing to figure this out. I'm almost to year three of staying within 5 lbs of my comfort zone. I still can't believe it. Merry Christmas to you and your great family. Rita