Monday, December 15, 2008

Unhappy Anniversary?

As I approach weigh-in No. 52, signifying one full year on my weight loss journey, I've not had a good week.

Been a number of reasons for it. I've had a hard time finding certain elements of my diet that I have to have, mostly the specific kind of bread I eat. Three different stores where I buy my supplies were out (and still are).

I've been in a number of situations where I had to eat what was available this week, rather than what I should be eating.

And to be honest, a couple of times my discipline hasn't been good. So it's not just circumstances. I'm to blame as well.

On top of it all, I'm feeling awful today, too bad to go workout. Plus it's cold and rainy. Just a blah kind of day.

But I'm trying to take a positive outlook on it all.

Regardless of what the scale reads on Wednesday it has been a successful year. To have lost 111 pounds (to date) is more than I could have dreamed of when I began this process last December.

So, I regroup and refocus. I rely on Vernon and John to help get me through the dark moods that still pop up from time to time. And we keep plugging away.

In Dec. 2007 I set out with a new determination, stronger than ever before. But with plenty of unknown lying ahead.

Now, a full year later, I've got a track record to draw on and a pretty good idea of what I'm capable of doing.

I just have to strap on the blinders and limit the distractions.


Anonymous said...

what the deuce! you get back at it and stop moping! i leave you alone for just a little bit and this is what happens???? sgt carter

dadof3sdz said...

Dan, I'm really praying for you and I know what a scruggle it can be. I'm currently 335 lbs. 13 years ago I lost 100lbs and swore that I would never get back to this weight. However, disk disease and several pinched nerves later I have become sedentary. I am telling you this to let you know that you have inspired me to try to get moving again. I look forward to hearing and reading about your progress. I want this not only for myself, but to be able to enjoy and be there for my kids and my wife. I'm sure your family is a motivation for you as well. Hang in there and don't let all this holiday cooking get the best of you. In Christ, Mike